“Must be from Edgar. Hired guns.”

She shrinks back under the table, panic now setting in for her.

“What are we going to do?”

I pull my knife out of the holster and hand it to her.

“Stay down, I’ll be right back.” I give her a quick reassuring kiss.

“Killian.” She tries to grab at my arm, but I’m too quick for her. “Wait.”

I move around the table, still crouched low to the ground and pull out my gun. I flick the safety off and cock it at the first guy that rounds the corner.

“Hey, fucker!”

I shoot him right in the chest.

The resounding bullet pierces him straight through the heart, making him collapse immediately to the ground. Nella screams.

Soon, shots are firing from all around us.

“Nella! Don’t move!” I yell her way and stand, catching another one of the hired hitmen in the shoulder as he tries to climb over the partition separating the other side of the dining room.

I duck again, moving through the guests scrambling to get to the entrance. Most of them trip over their own feet trying to push through to get out the doors first. I ignore them all and stand just in time and shoot the man I’d clipped before right between the eyes.

I hear Nella wail again from behind me.

“It’s alright, it’s just—”

I turn, expecting her to just be freaked out from seeing someone get shot in the head. What I don't expect to see is one of the hitmen wrapping his fist around her beautifulhair and dragging her out from under the table.


I scramble over fallen chairs and toppled tables trying to get to her. I watch her fight tooth and nail trying to get out from under him, her hand reaching back to grab at the fingers fisted in her hair.

With her other hand, she slashes back at the hitman, catching him right in the cheek with a dinner knife. He screams, tossing her away from him to clutch the cut. Blood pours down his face, his gun raising to shoot.

I raise mine, my finger on the trigger but don’t get a chance to because Nella pushes herself up and drives my knife right through the guy’s throat.

My mouth drops open, blood splattering all over her dress and coating the hands wrapped around the hilt of the knife.

The hitman staggers backwards when Nella lets go of him, ripping the knife cleanly out of his throat while more blood catches on her chest. The man falls to the floor at her feet, letting out a few choking sounds before finally going still.

Both of us stare down at him.

“Damn…” is all I can say.

Nella turns to look at me, her eyes widening. “Kil—!”

I’m moving before she even has a chance to finish screaming my name. My body twisting around and my finger pulling back on my trigger right as a bullet flies over my head. I fire right into the last hitman’s chest, pulling three rounds out of my gun until he drops to the ground along with his colleagues.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest and quickly turn around to make sure that the stray bullet didn’t hit Nella anywhere.

I see her ducked down behind the table again, shaking visibly.

“You okay? Did anything get you?”

She lifts herself up slowly, shaking her head while looking around at the chaos. Her eyes land on the man that she’d plunged a knife into, fixating on the blood that pools around his body.