I look to my left, seeing Enzo slowly try to get up onto his hands and knees. On either side of us is part of a couch that we must’ve blown through.

“Nella…” I mumble and push myself up off the floor.

My head spins.

I need to find her and make sure that the force hasn’t blown her through a wall.

Or worse.

My stomach rolls at the thought.

Vaguely through the haze, I can hear shouting and the sounds of gunfire.

Fuck, I need to get her out of here.

The room is littered with glass shards and pieces of wood from where the bomb had been implanted into the wall. I step over broken picture frames and notice Ava’s hand tucked under a board from the wall.

I stumble over to her and pull it off of her.


He grunts, following after the sound of my voice.

I toss the board away and grab my cousin’s legs, pulling her out from all of the other debris that had settled. My shoulder bumps into Enzo’s chest.

“Make sure that she’s breathing. I need to find your sister.”

Enzo nods at me and lifts Ava up over his shoulder, a gentle hand placed on her back with a kind of care I didn’t think he was capable of.


I push through more broken furniture. Now with half of the side of the house missing, I can hear men outside fighting more clearly. My nerves spark to life. I hope like fuck that our combined forces are holding the line.

I find Nella tucked beneath the other half of the couch, her body curled up in a position that immediately makes my heart stop.

“No, no,” I mumble, crouching down to get to her. “No, no, no…”

Suddenly, her hand comes up to slap over my mouth. I feel my eyes widen when Nella turns towards me, a streak of blood running down her face from the top of her head. Her normally calm, warm brown eyes are now wild.

“Shh! Marco,” she warns.

I blink at her and peek over the side of the couch, seeing right to the outside lawn where cars had pulled up.


They’re here.

I pull Nella’s hand back from my face and kiss her fingers quickly. “You okay?”

She nods at me, sitting up fully. “I’m fine. My brother?”

I twist at my waist and lift myself up just enough to see over to where Enzo had taken Ava and laid her down. They’re in the room with us now. I catch his eyes, letting out a relieved sigh when he gives me a big thumbs up.

Thank fuck.

I turn back around and cup Nella’s face. “We need to—”

There’s another loud noise, close to the sound of another explosion, but it doesn’t have the force strong enough to knock any of us off our feet. I lift myself away from the couch, ready to take stock of wherever that had come from when I freeze.