My heart bottoms out.
I can’t believe he’s willing to sacrifice me for the sake of petty revenge on another family. What kind of a monster is my own father? I can’t stand the sight of him anymore. I quickly grab Ava’s arm and pull her towards the door.
“You aren’t my problem anymore.” My father digs the knife in deeper, letting me pass by him.
Before my tears start to fall, I push out the door. His laughter follows me, even after we leave the manor and drive back to Killian’s.
* * *
“You let her gowhere?!”
Ava winces at me, a deep frown pulling at her lips. I can tell she feels guilty, but right now, I have no sympathy for her. What the hell had she been thinking? Taking herself and Nella into enemy territory like that? She was lucky they survived at all!
“What was I supposed to do, Killian? She deserves to see her mother after what happened.”
I pace around my study, wanting to throw a punch or tear something apart just to let the aggression building inside of me out. I truly can’t believe that she was stupid enough to waltz right over to the Ambrosino house without any kind of backup.
What if they’d been gunned down before they’d even gotten onto the property? What would I do then without an underboss?
Without Nella.
Sure, Ava knew the ins and outs of that manor just as much as I did, but that doesn’t mean that she’s capable of taking on an entire mob by herself if it came down to it.
What the hell was she thinking?
“You’re smarter than this,” I growl at her. “You could’ve both gotten yourselveskilled.”
“She wants to find a way to get her mother out of that house before anything else happens to her. And I can’t say that I blame her for it.”
“That’s not on our list of priorities right now, Ava. We’ve got enough on our fucking plate.”
“Well, talk to her then.”
I grit my teeth and feel the muscle in my jaw twitch from how hard I want to grind them together. I push past her and leave my office, heading right up the stairs and pounding my fist against Nella’s door.
She opens it after a minute, her eyes swollen from crying. I want to be sympathetic to whatever it is she saw over there, but right now I’m just downright pissed. Ultimately, she brought this down on herself, and it’s hard for me to feel any sympathy when her stupid actions put her life on the line.
“What thehellwere you thinking?”
She lets out a scoff and steps away from the door, heading back into the room without answering me. I follow after her, slamming the door shut behind me.
“The next time you pull a stupid stunt like that, I’m tying you to the bed and only letting you up to pee and shower.”
“What?” She turns to look at me over her shoulder with her red-rimmed eyes. “No food? Going to starve me, are you?”
“I’ll tell you what I’ll stuff your mouth with instead.”
She merely rolls her eyes at me.
“Iheardyou, Killian.”
I shake my head at her and sigh, rubbing my hands over my face to calm myself down before I actually do explode at her and say something that I can’t take back.
I know that her emotions are running wild right now, but the thought of her stepping into that property without any kind of weapons or guards to protect her drives me absolutely insane.
I want to lock her inside of this house for the rest of eternity, but I can’t when I have others actively working against me.