There is a scoff before my informant says, “All right.”

They stand to leave before I do, fixing their jacket.

“Call me by the end of the week with an update.”

I hear the sound of my informant’s shoes hitting the gravel walkway, not bothering with any kind of formal goodbye. But that’s fine with me, I don’t care about playing niceties, just as long as I get what I want in the end.


Itwirl my fork around my scrambled eggs, my stomach tightening at the thought of putting any kind of food in my body. I haven’t eaten since the restaurant, and honestly, I’m not even hungry.

I slept okay, up until I rolled over to feel the empty space next to me that Killian had been occupying. I knew he probably had something important to do, but all I really wanted was to wake up with him next to me.

My body craves his comfort, even though I know it’s only because I feel deeply hurt and betrayed by my father. Killian had been an unintentional rock in my otherwise turbulent life. Something that I desperately want to cling onto in these moments of loss.

Ava flits around the kitchen. She’s been trying to feed me different things since I wandered down here, but so far, I haven’t been in the mood for anything she’s offered to make me. I eventually settled on toast and scrambled eggs, something I knew wouldn’t hurt if I threw it up, like last night.

“Nella, you need to eat something. Killian’s going to kill me if he comes home and finds your plate still full.”

I drink some of my water.

“That doesn’t count.”

“I’m sorry, Ava. I’m just not hungry.”

“I know that, but he can get a little crazy when it comes to you.”

I smile. “A little?”

She rolls her eyes, pointing at me over the stove with her spatula. “Don’t get me started. You two have driven me insane.”


“I wish I could believe you.”

I laugh a little and sit back in my chair. I pat my lap when Leo saunters over to me, catching him when he hops up on me. I take a few pieces of egg on my fork and feed it to him.

“Where is he, anyway?”


“No, my cat.”

“Ha, ha. You’re so funny…” she flips a pancake over, the raw side sizzling. “He had a meeting.”


Ava doesn’t say anything. Instead, she focuses intently on the pancake frying in her pan. It kind of makes me want to laugh. Her and Killian are so much alike when it comes to not wanting to talk about things that might get them in trouble.

It was like the old saying of, ‘don’t say anything unless you have something nice to say’, but in this case it was more like ‘don’t say anything unless you want to be implicated later’.

I run my hands down Leo’s back, scratching around his ears while he purrs at me.

“Did he go to meet the informant you guys have?”

Ava shrugs at me. Well, I guess that’s… kind of confirmation?

I’m quiet for a while, letting Leo gently nudge his head against my hand while I scratch behind his ears. “I think I’m having a rough time with this because everything I’ve ever known is a lie.”