Page 62 of Meet the Surrogate

“I’m not listening to any of it.” Wells moved his easel next to the window and arranged it just right. “I had to see you pass out and now I tense up every time you stand up. I’ll stop worrying so much when you’re not knocked up anymore.”

“Okay, great, in five years from now, you might be normal again.” I groaned out loud when Remy hit an especially good spot. “And none of you have even tried to have sex with me. It’s really rude.”

Boone laughed hard enough that I worried he might rupture something. Remy and Wells were almost as bad. I didn’t see what was funny, though. I was being treated like a injured bird and all I wanted to do was flip them the bird after a week of it.

“And Bea told me all about how she thinks there might be shadow people in this house. The same house you keep dragging me to every morning. I don’t know what the hell a shadow person is, but do I look like I want to find out? You’re probably going to get our baby possessed by one of them. Sick freaks.” I sucked in a giant gulp of air and kept going. “The only reason I haven’t truly lost it yet is because you set this freaking Memphis trap. A library straight out of a fairy tale, amazing cushions, snacks, and massages?”

Remy’s hands had frozen and Boone’s laughter went silent. Wells was comically paused with a glass of water halfway to his mouth. I frowned at them. What was their deal?

“You saidourbaby.” Boone sat back on the couch and smiled at me. “I think you might like us more than you’re letting on.”

I thought over my words and realized Ihadsaid that. Tingles of embarrassment went all over me and I would’ve run out of there if I hadn’t been tangled in my new pillow and Remy’s hands. “Nope.”

Remy started rubbing my feet again. “She definitely likes us.”

“Let’s focus on the shadow people. That’s a much more interesting topic.” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from them. I didn’t like the direction of the conversation and I just wanted to drop it. “Or we could talk about how none of you want to have sex with me now.”

“Let’s talk about that.” Remy dug his thumb into the arch of my foot and raised his eyebrows at me. “You ran and hid after we had sex. You chose not to tell us about how sick you were because you were in hiding mode. You didn’t even stay the night. Since we’re talking about it, we could also talk about how you haven’t made any moves on us, either.”

I frowned. “I can barely stand up without one of you freaking out. If I made a move, you’d shoot me down faster than I could cry about it. And I wasn’t hiding…”

“I call bullshit.” Boone met my gaze. “You’re a chicken. You run and hide every time we get a little closer.”

“According to the gossip pages, that was y’alls number. A new woman every day of the week? That screams fear of commitment if you ask me.” I was reaching, but it was okay because I’d stretched plenty beforehand.

“What have the gossip pages said in the last two months?” Remy handed me his phone. “I doubt your vintage phone has internet, so feel free to use mine.”

“Hey! Don’t bring my phone into this. It’s sentimental.” I pushed his phone away. “I haven’t looked and I’m not going to. I don’t see y’all every night. If you went out with super models still, I wouldn’t know. I wouldn’t want to know, either.”

Wells raised his voice from across the room. “You’re kidding, right?”

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. “I’m sorry. I’m just cranky. I ran out of candy and I think I might be hormonal already. What’s your research say about how early pregnancy rages start, Wells? Not that some of my points weren’t valid. Y’all need to worry less and give me space to breathe. And if you want to have sex, you should probably get that started.”

“If you don’t want to look, just listen to me.” Remy’s voice was dangerously low. “Another woman hasn’t crossed my mind since meeting you. If I’m not in you, I’m obsessing about when I can be in you again. Or I’m pissy and making my office staff hate me because you’re hiding from us and I miss seeing your smile. There’s no one else. You already know that, though, because I think you know that you have us wrapped around your finger. You’re lucky I’m finding this rage sexy. Otherwise I might not enjoy being threatened so much.”

All the rest of my crankiness melted away. “You miss my smile?”

“Don’t make me regret saying it. Now get over here and let me get this sex thing started, as you so delicately put it.” He tried to pull me towards him, but the pregnancy pillow blocked him and didn’t allow for much extra movement. “I’m going to regret buying this, I can already tell.”

I pushed it aside and crawled into his lap. “Promise y’all will stop hovering so much?”

I got a bunch of grumbled nonsense and no guarantee that they’d leave me be. However, I did get multiple orgasms, so it made the first issue seem a lot less important.



Dr.Braddockcameoutof the guesthouse smiling, as he did most of the time when leaving Memphis’s side. I wanted to punch the guy in the face, but Boone swore that Braddock was the best and that he was happily married to his wife of ten years. Still, Memphis had unlocked a jealous streak in me and I didn’t like his shit-eating grin as he left her side.

“Everything good?” I stretched my neck from side to side and tried to ease some of the tension I felt at every checkup. “Did she mention that she threw up again last Tuesday?”

Laughing gently, he put his hand on my shoulder. “Why don’t you just come into the appointment, Remington? It might make you feel better to see me checking everything out.”

I frowned at the window of the guesthouse, where Memphis stood with her hands on her hips. “Apparently, Ioverreactand make thingsstressful.”

“You’re going to be a first time dad. You’re supposed to be this way.” He shrugged easily. “When Sheila was pregnant with our first, I spent every night waking up almost hourly to check on her. This last one, though? I think we both forgot she was pregnant until it was time for the delivery.”

I shook my head as Memphis stuck her tongue out at me and disappeared farther into the house. “It’s complicated.”