Page 66 of Meet the Surrogate

“We all have those excuses.” Wells looked around the yard and blew out a hard sigh. “Is the bed comfortable?”

Grinning, I hurried to his side and hugged him tight. “It’s the best bed ever. Way better than Remy’s.”

He pulled me down onto his lap. “Just tell me one thing.”


“How the hell are you scared of the main house but this cat doesn’t creep you out?” He looked at Boone. “Right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Carter isn’t scary. He’s a sweet boy. The main house, however, feels like it wants to eat my soul. Carter would never.”

Remy shifted and Carter hissed at him before going back to his dinner. With a stern look, he shook his head at me. “Yep. Seems like a sweet boy to me.”



Theyallstayedthenight that night. It was different, quieter than normal. Sex was slow and sweet. It felt like our first time together in a new way, with a new understanding. They knew I wanted them to stay over and that I was choosing them to come into the little family that had formed in the guesthouse. It was special to me and I think that made it special for them. While we laid in bed after, they talked more about their mom and the effect it had on their lives in the big picture.

I’d so easily managed to shove my guilt for my lies deep, deep down, but when I listened to them talk about their trust issues with women after hearing the sordid details of their mom’s affair, I couldn’t stop the guilt from bubbling up and threatening to choke me. I wanted to be open and honest with them, to tell them exactly what I really was. I was terrified of them find the real me disgusting, though.

They’d sought out a certain kind of woman because that was what they wanted. If I opened up about being a high school dropout and all around loser, I couldn’t imagine them being excited to take me to their fancy galas anymore. I would be the dirty little secret that their rich friends would never accept. I was Trailer Park Princess and there was nothing I could do about that. I still had one brother in prison and one in rehab. I was still more comfortable cleaning their house than being in it.

We were three months into our time together and the last month had been amazing. They annoyed me half to death with their hovering and micro-managing my health, but I could tell it was out of fear. They’d faced the fragility of life head-on multiple times and I wasn’t sure that was something you ever got over. I’d been able to ignore most of their mothering and the rest of our time together just fell into place. They took care of me constantly. They set what I called Memphis traps and got me to rest by giving me amazing massages and orgasms. So. Many. Orgasms.

I knew myself well enough to know that I’d not only screwed up the con to get money, but I’d potentially screwed up my life. I was in love with them. Part of me had been since the moment I’d spotted them. If I really thought about it, it would’ve taken me more than money to sign away five years of my life. After getting to know them and becoming closer, I knew I loved them. My silly little heart was fully in and I also knew that eventually, I would break. I didn’t want to lie to people I loved. I’d watched my parents do that enough for a lifetime. I’d be honest with them when I couldn’t stomach the lie anymore, and then I’d probably find myself homeless, in breach of a very expensive contract, and alone again. Only it would be worse after experiencing the fun and peace I had with the guys. Being alone after them would be like standing in one of those experimental sound rooms where there’s absolute silence. Most people don’t last ten minutes in those rooms. I would be looking at forever.

Still, I knew I’d tell them. That budding hope I felt around them tried to convince me that they’d love me back and it would all be okay, but I knew better than that. I lived in the real world, despite currently existing in what felt like a fairytale.

Finding myself alone in bed the next morning wasn’t surprising. They all got up early and did productive things, even the artist. I was deliciously sore from our night together and starving. I found one of their T-shirts laid out at the end of the bed for me and pulled it to my face so I could inhale them. Citrus. It was Remy’s.

I pulled it over my head and grabbed the latest book I was reading before heading downstairs. Seeing the back door open surprised me. Seeing Boone sitting at the table with the newspaper spread out in front of him surprised me even more.

He must’ve heard me and looked back over his shoulder. “Good morning. There are muffins out here.”

I hurried out to sit next to him and crammed half a muffin into my mouth right away. I watched him while I ate and noticed the way he played with the edge of the paper while reading the articles. His hands were always moving. I was still waking up so I ate in silence and then finished my juice before opening my book and pretending to read.

I watched his eyes move over the lines of the paper and saw his mouth pinch when he didn’t like something he’d read. After a few more minutes of that, I started feeling left out and sighed. I’d gotten used to having all their attention so fast that sitting across from him without touching him or having him touch me was odd. Before my feelings could get hurt, I stood up and gently lifted his arms and slid into his lap. He brought his arms back down around me and folded the paper in half so he could still read it. His lips moved against my shoulder as he silently read along.

I opened my book and read happily against his chest until he said he had to go to work soon. I was still feeling emotional so I twisted around so I was straddling him and ran my hands over his chest. “Thank you for having breakfast with me. I think it might be my favorite breakfast of all time.”

He dropped the paper and gently tossed my book onto the table on top of it. “I bet you say that to all your boyfriends.”

Shaking my head with a big smile on my face, I innocently played with his shirt buttons. “Nope. Just you.”

If he noticed me pop open the top few buttons on his shirt, he didn’t act like it. “So you think I’m your boyfriend?”

I jerked when he asked and a button went flying. Wincing, I patted the spot I’d just ruined on his shirt. “I didn’t say that.”

“I think you implied it.” He looked down at his shirt and raised his brows at me. “I felt that.”

“If anything,youimplied it.” I scooted back on his legs so I could reach his belt. “Now, tell me about your work schedule this morning. Is it heavy? Light? Are you going to be performing surgeries in the next hour?”

“It’s not too bad. I’m meeting patients today.” He stared at me pulling his belt free and unbuttoning his pants. “I think I can fit in one more patient this morning, though.”

I slipped my hand into his pants and cupped his already hard bulge. “What do I need to do to get you to see me this morning, Doctor Hawke? It’s important and I’ll do anything you want me to.”

His face twisted in pleasure as he stared at me. “Anything?”