Page 64 of Meet the Surrogate

“Tastethegravy.If it’s bad, don’t tell me.” I fluttered around the kitchen, half excited and half terrified that I’d made a huge mistake and was going to make a fool of myself. “No, if it’s bad, do tell me. I’ll just put it outside until they leave.”

Bea tried it and smiled. “It’s good.”

I frowned at her. “You’re lying.”

Swearing, she spit it out in the sink and gagged. “How much salt did you put in that?”

I grabbed the pan and shoved it out the back door. “I added it once and then forgot I added it. Then I added it again. Maybe twice. I don’t know. I’m freaking out.”

“If you’re not a good cook, why’d you have this bright plan?”

“Hey! I didn’t say I’m not a good cook. I said I forgot how many times I salted the gravy. There’s a big difference.” I stared at the pork chops that I’d overcooked and the mashed potatoes that were more like cement than anything else. At one point, there’d been rolls, but those went about as well as the gravy. “Okay, I’m not a good cook. I wanted to make a gesture, though. You know?”

She looked around, too. “Oh, you’re making a gesture.”

I swung my dish towel at her and sent her out of the kitchen. “This is fine. I’m not worried at all. Dinner’s ready, I’m ready, and you’re leaving. Everything is perfect.”

“Just because of that last comment, I shouldn’t tell you that your hair is still wrapped in a towel.”

I grabbed my head and groaned when I felt that I really did still have a towel on my head. “Oh, shit. Okay, this is not a problem. I’ll just step into the bathroom really fast and brush it out. I probably even have time to blow dry it. Who shows up perfectly on time for dinner, anyway?”

A knock sounded at the door and I looked up and straight into Boone’s amused eyes. He opened the door and stood at the threshold. “I like the hair.”

Bea cackled as she grabbed her purse and moved towards the door. “You kids don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“That leaves like two things.” I laughed at her expression and waved goodbye. “Have a good night. Be safe driving home.”

She wedged past Wells and Remy, stopping behind them to fan herself, and then she was gone. Leaving me alone with the guys, just like I’d asked her to do. I swallowed hard and yanked the towel off my head, not thrilled with myself.

“It’s so nice out that I thought we could eat on the back patio.” I pointed towards the back door and then remembered I’d shoved the gravy pot out there like an idiot. “Um, just let me grab one thing.”

Remy slowly came farther into the house and looked around. “The plants must like you being here. When I checked to make sure the place was cleaned before you moved in, they were not this full of life.”

I shoved the hot pot into the oven and pretended nothing had happened. “Plants like to be around humans. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. They say if you talk to them or sing to them, they grow faster, too.”

“I bet you do sing to these plants, don’t you?” Boone walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I saw that pot. What was in there?”

I turned my face to avoid his kiss. “Did you see a pot? Are you sure?”

He pulled my mouth to his and kissed me so thoroughly my toes curled. “Yep.”

Wells kissed my shoulder as he moved past to the patio. “You look beautiful.”

I remembered my hair and slapped my hands over my head. “I’ll be right back.”

Remy followed me into the bathroom while Boone and Wells went outside. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as I pulled my still wet hair into a bun. “Wells was right. You look stunning, Memphis. That dress was made for you.”

I smiled and walked into his arms. “I’m so nervous.”

“Why? You have nothing to be nervous about.” He kissed the top of my head and rested his hand at the top of my ass. “We definitely know how much you like us now, but that’s no reason to be nervous. We’re understanding of your giant crush.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “The only giant crush is going to be when I push a piano on your head. How’s that sound?”

“Sounds like a great time. Ten out of ten, would recommend.” He kissed me then, slowly making love to my mouth the way he’d quickly learned made me feel extra needy. When he pulled away, I sighed breathily. “What’s for dinner?”

I forced myself back to reality and took his hand as I told him what all I’d made. “I think it’s going to be bad, though. I’m nervous.”

“It’ll be great, Memphis, because you took the time and effort to do something like this for us.” He patted my ass and nodded to the back door. “I’ll be out there. Unless you need me to do anything in here.”