Aggie jerked upright, startled awake by my booming voice. She fought with her blanket momentarily before she managed to get her head free and face me. With wild brown hair sticking out in every direction and two mossy green eyes as wide as saucers, she looked like a confused pixie staring at me. It was almost sweet until her brain kicked on and her attitude caught up with the rest of her.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” She clutched the blanket to her chest and went up on her knees as she glared at me. “I read your petty contract in full yesterday, Zander, and there was nothing in it about being woken up via screaming asshole!”

I was honestly impressed with her ability to go from dead asleep to fighting mad in less time than it took me to check my watch again. Her spirit, that fire, called to me in a way she would probably sue me if she knew about, but I kept my reaction to myself. I stared at her with an expression of boredom on my face, even as she crawled to the end of the bed, right up to where I stood, and poked me in the chest.

“Get out of my room. Now!”

I raised an eyebrow and stared at her finger. “Your workday started half an hour ago. I don’t like being kept waiting, Miss Young. I expect you to be on time from now on. I don’t like fetching the nanny.”

She poked me again and then crawled off the bed. The blanket dropped to her feet and I watched her shudder as I ran my eyes down her barely covered body. She was dressed in an oversized tank top with a questionable quote across her full tits.

“Free mustache rides?” I took my time reading the words, going over them with my eyes until I could guess the weight of each of her breasts accurately. “Is this something I need to worry about you wearing in front of our niece?”

Aggie stepped closer to me, the anger freer in her first thing in the morning. “I wasn’t planning on wearing my sleep shirt in front of your niece, and since you seem to like it so much, maybe I’ll frame it to remember the time the great Zander Graves gave me his sole attention.”

“Your tits.” I slowly met her gaze and smirked. “Just to be correct. I find accuracy to be very important in my business. Yourtitshad the great Zander Graves’ full attention, Miss Young.”

Her hands met my chest and shoved, the force behind her anger enough to send me back a few steps. She didn’t stop there, though. She kept pushing me towards the door, her face set in a beautiful display of fury. “Out. Out of my room, you overgrown man-child. If I wanted someone to scream me awake and focus on my tits, I’d have a baby. Get out and don’t come back. I won’t be so nice next time.”

I realized I was having fun about the same time the door slammed shut in my face. I couldn’t help myself. I leaned against it and called out to her. “You’re setting a terrible impression with the CEO of the company you want to work for, Miss Young.”

“You’ll be lucky if I don’t set the CEO on fire. The nerve of this man, honestly. I should call Dad and have him come take this asshole out.” She’d transitioned to talking to herself it seemed. “What’s wrong with God? What kind of joke is it to give a man that looks likethatthe personality of a jagged piece of metal? Like women don’t go through enough bullshit?”

I grinned and turned away, pleased with myself. It’d been a long time since I’d had any fun and unfortunately for Aggie, riling her up was a lot of fun for me. She was a spitfire and it was even better because I hadn’t expected it. When I’d watched her with Blake from afar at the events we’d all attended, she’d seemed the picture of serenity. She was all reserved smiles and politeness. She’d been Blake’s perfect trophy.

While walking down to the kitchen, I found myself thinking about them together. Had she shown him her fire? Had he ever been shoved out of her bedroom by a wild-haired woman with murder in her eyes? More importantly, I wanted to know if he’d ever taken her over his knee and spanked that sass into control. I wanted to know if she’d even worn another man’s handprints over her ass while smiling serenely. Had she ever been taken as roughly as she clearly needed?

By the time I reached the kitchen, my dick was uncomfortably stiff and I had to stop just outside of the room to regain my composure. I could hear my brothers talking to Gracie at the breakfast table and their loud conversation helped me focus on what was important. The nanny didn’t matter. She’d be gone in no time. Making sure Gracie was okay was what mattered.



“Areyoujustgoingto let her swim all day long?” Knight appeared next to me on the back patio, shockingly silent for such a large man. “Have you even applied sunscreen?”

I gritted my teeth and stood up. “I’ve put sunscreen on her. Which she hated. I didn’t realize that kids hate sunscreen, so that’s a hot tip for the next nanny.”

“Two things. I meant haveyouapplied sunscreen? To yourself? You won’t be of much use to us if you can’t move from being burnt to a crisp.” He looked me over and frowned. “And I hope to God the next nanny knows more about kids than you do. She needs more sunscreen. Every ninety minutes. It needs to dry before she gets back in the water.”

I put my hands on my hips and glared up at him. He was taller than both his brothers and the extra few inches really had me wishing for a pair of heels. “Okay. That’s all you had to say. More sunscreen.”

He shook his head and placed a single fingertip on my bare shoulder. “You’re burning. It’ll be a bitch to take care of Gracie if you’re in excruciating pain. That’s something even a non-nanny should know.”

I brushed his finger away and left him standing there. “Gracie? Come on out. It’s time for more sunscreen.”

“No, Miss Aggie! Come in!” She paddled across the pool to me, her life vest making it slower. “Please?”

“I told you, Gracie. I didn’t pack a swimsuit. I’ll get one for tomorrow, though. Okay?” I forced a smile, already tired from a day of failing at knowing how to handle a kid. “Do you need help getting out?”

I should’ve seen the mischief in her eyes, but I didn’t realize it was something I had to be wary of. She seemed so sweet. The moment I grabbed her hand and she tightened her little fingers around mine, I knew I was in trouble.

“Gracie, no!” The end of my scream was swallowed by the pool. As I took my time coming up to the surface, I replayed the way she’d braced her feet against the side of the pool to get leverage to yank me in. The little brat.

I surfaced and worked on shoving my hair out of my face while listening to her cackling about her trick. When her laughter was cut off abruptly, I looked up to see Knight holding the back of her life vest and lifting her from the pool like she weighed nothing.

“You know better, Gracie. What if Aggie couldn’t swim? Like Miranda, your last nanny?” He frowned as he knelt in front of her and glanced over at me. “You good?”

I swam to the side of the pool and braced my arms on the edge. Before I could lift myself out of the water, he was there, lifting me just as easily as he’d lifted Gracie. I swayed when he put me down, caught off guard by being picked up so easily.