Aggie gasped. “Did anyone see?”

“No one who wouldn’t recognize the flush that washes over your body when you come, baby.” He grinned at me. “Cracking paid off.”

I kept Aggie in front of me as we made our way to the door. “I could put someone’s eye out right now. Don’t even say the word off.”

Knight laughed and held open the front door. The night air was thick with the scent of flowers as he led us through a crowd gathered outside the door and farther up the sidewalk. Downtown was buzzing with life but I spotted our car waiting on the sidewalk.

Zander’s eyes devoured Aggie and when she was close enough, he tugged her into his arms and kissed her hard. Knight caught the food before it hit the ground and put it on the roof of the car.

“In the car. Unless you want pictures of this in the news tomorrow.” I looked around, aware that while in Bob’s, we were safe, the street outside wasn’t protected by Bob’s security. My eyes caught on a figure across the street coming our way and I swore when I saw who it was. “Put Aggie in the car.”

The tone of my voice had Zander pushing Aggie behind him right away. He followed my glare and growled. “Get in the car, baby. We’ll handle this.”

Aggie grumbled but was half inside when she heard Blake’s pathetic voice calling her name. All signs of our blissed out woman vanished in a second and I watched fire ignite in her eyes. In moments like that, I swore she might’ve actually had a little devil in her. She came out of the car like a wildcat and then stood calmly next to us, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Blake.

“I thought that was you, Agatha. I heard there was someone sleeping their way up the corporate ladder out here.” Blake scowled coldly at Aggie, ignoring the fact that she had three pit bulls at her side who were ready and willing to tear him limb from limb.

Aggie sighed like she was bored and looked down at her nails. “Did you just scurry across the street like a rat to say that? That’s cute, but no, thank you.”

“I-” He tried to speak to her again, but she cut him off.

“I said no, thank you. Take a hint.”


Epilogue 3

Aggie’seyesflaredatBlake’s. “You cried when I hit you, Monroe. What do you think you’d do if my men laid a finger on you?”

Knight laughed and pressed a kiss to Aggie’s shoulder. “You tell him, baby.”

“Were you always such a bitch?” Blake shrank back when he saw the reaction his words had on us.

I grabbed the neck of his shirt and lifted him to his toes, letting my knuckles press into his airway. “You’d better rethink that, Blake. Aggie is a fucking queen and you should be grateful you ever got to exist anywhere near her. Call her out of her name again and they’ll be finding bits of you in Mexico for years to come.”

He stumbled and fell when I let him go. Glaring up at us, he scrambled to his feet and backed away. “You never deserved me. My family comes from money and you were always just the trash I brought home for Thanksgiving.”

Aggie held out her hands, knowing that was all it took to keep us from murdering the asshole in front of us. She smiled, but I could tell it gave Blake a chill down his spine. “Are you acting out because you’ve been steadily losing Daddy’s money over the last year? Is Daddy threatening to cut you off? The way I see it, Monroe, is that you should enjoy saying things like that while you can. The funny thing is that I’m not even trying to ruin your company. You just suck and we’re just that good.”

He took a step closer, but Zander let out a warning sound that stopped him in his tracks. Blake looked at each of us and I watched as he realized he’d lost. His cheeks turned a sickly shade of red and his chin wobbled. “I don’t even know why I bothered. You’re all trash.”

Aggie giggled as he hurried away and pretended to shine her nails. “And that’s how you take down a little man.”

My heart grew even fuller with love for her. “Are you sure? The last time, I believe an elbow was involved.”

She climbed in the backseat of our car and stretched out on the bench behind the driver. The partition was already up and Aggie wasted no time in messing with us. She was ready to tease again. Working her dress up her hips, she looked at each of us. “Tell me again whose idea it was to keep my dad’s relationship from me.”

Knight and I looked at Zander. He glared back at us. “We all decided to tell you at a later time. We wanted to make sure your dad was sure before we rocked the boat.”

I threw him a life preserver. “Mark was worried about how you’d handle it. He mentioned you dying a previous girlfriend’s hair green.”

“I was ten!” She took a deep breath and shook her head. “You’re all lucky that I’m feeling so forgiving.”

I bit my knuckles as she worked the dress completely over her head and spread her legs. In her heels and lingerie, she was so damn sexy it hurt. “Not that you’re not always forgiving, baby, but what’s up?”

She cupped her breasts and moaned. “While you and my father were keeping secrets from me, I was maybe keeping one of my own.”

Knight subtly moved closer to her. “Oh, yeah?”