Zander slammed his hand on the table. “Look around you, Aggie! This is damage control because we fucked Blake’s plaything and let you get too close! That information you took? It wasn’t enough to take us down, but you tried, didn’t you? No wonder you were so upset about Olivia coming early. You needed more time to finish stealing from us, didn’t you?”

I shook my head. “What are you talking about? I didn’t take any information. I’ve been babysitting for a month.”

“Just stop lying. I don’t want to hear anything else. When you crawl back to Blake’s tonight, let him know this stunt did nothing. All he did was give us three holes to fuck for a month. And now we’ve taken everything we could ever want from you.” Zander sat back in his chair and sighed. “You’re dismissed, Miss Young. None of us are interested in what you have to offer.”

The backs of my eyes burned and I dug my nails into my palms, fighting the tears. “I didn’t do what you’re accusing me of.”

“Blake told us everything!” Knight walked away from the table, obviously finished with me.

The dots slowly started to connect in my head. “Monroe talked to you. And you believed him.”

“We’ve been over this.” Zander’s voice was lower as he stared at me. “It’s done.”

I felt wetness on my cheeks and wiped my face quickly. More tears came, my pain too defeating. “Monroe Blake, your biggest competition, told you things about me and you believed him…I guess you never really cared about me. You kicked me out so easily and so quickly came to the conclusion that I’m a useless whore. Without ever talking to me to find out if it was true.”

The room had grown increasingly silent and uncomfortable as my tears continued to fall. I eventually gave up fighting them and stared at them through blurry eyes.

“I didn’t do anything to hurt any of you. I would never do anything to hurt you. It doesn’t matter, though.” I forced a smile through my pain and held up my hands. “All that matters is that you think I did. You don’t know me. You met my dad, met my family, and learned all my secrets. None of it was enough to show you who I am, though, because you were never interested. I’ll admit it. You three finally gave me a problem I can’t work out.”

A security guard behind me gently took my arm and spoke to me softly. “Ma’am? Let’s get you out of here.”

I nodded at him but looked back at the guys one more time. “Whatever you tell Gracie about me, I want you to know that I love that little girl. Remember that when you tell her whatever you tell her to make your actions okay.”

The security guard offered me a pack of tissues as he led me out of the room. “We could probably find you some shoes somewhere.”

I laughed humorlessly. “It’s okay. Everything I own in the world is in trash bags in my car. There’s got to be shoes in one of the bags.”



“Meeting’sover.Getout.” Zander stared down at his hands until the last person left and it was just the three of us in the conference room. When he looked up at us, I could see pain in his eyes. “We know she did it.”

I looked away and let my own pain roll through. We’d never seen her cry. No matter what, I knew that her tears were real. My chest tightened. “That sucked.”

“You can prove that it was her, right? I mean, we know it was her, but still.” Zander shifted in his chair. “For our peace of mind, we should just have the proof on hand.”

Knight cleared his throat and I didn’t miss the thickness of his voice as he spoke. “Sure, I can. I will.”

“So, it’s fine. It feels bad right now, but that’s probably what she wanted. She’s a pro.” Zander sounded less and less sure.

“I’m going home.” I stood up and rubbed my face. “I’ll check on Gracie.”

“I’m coming, too.” Knight grabbed his laptop and I could see his mind working through something as he walked towards the door. “I’ll work better there.”

Zander followed us. “I should check on Gracie, too.”

I didn’t miss the tension in the office as we walked out. It was impossible to miss, with everyone staring and whispering. We’d always presented a professional front and in one day, that’d been shot to shit. We couldn’t even blame Aggie for that. She’d asked to speak to us alone.

The three of us took the elevator down to the garage and the silence was deafening. It was nothing compared to the sound we heard when the elevator doors opened, though. Broken sobs echoed through the underground garage like my own personal hell. On the other side of the garage, a member of our security team was helping Aggie into her car.

I ground my teeth and looked away. “Doesn’t feel right.”

Zander growled and slammed his hand into the cement wall behind us. “Shedid this, goddammit.”

Knight watched her pull away and shook his head. Without saying anything else, he walked to his truck left us standing there.

I looked over at Zander and saw that his hand was dripping blood. “Let’s go home. I’ll wrap that up.”