“It’s Jim, sir. I’m not sure if you’d want to know this, but I heard on the blotter that Miss Young was arrested.” He cleared his throat. “That’s all I know.”

“Which jail?” I typed the jail into my phone and then hung up on him. “Aggie was arrested.”

Knight stood up and looked upstairs. “Which one of us is going to stay with Gracie?”

Kyrin grunted. “You know none of us are. I’ll grab her.”

The fifty-minute drive to the jail was silent, as we were each lost in our own thoughts. Gracie was asleep, thankfully, so her screaming had come to a stop for the time being. Kyrin carried her in his arms when we reached the jail and stormed inside. Unsure of what we’d find, we were all anxious to find out anything regarding Aggie.

The officer at the front desk took one look at us and shook his head. “You here for the smart-mouthed one with hate in her eyes?”

I narrowed my eyes. “Aggie Young. Where is she?”

“Yep. Just what I thought. Only a woman with money can look at a police office while wearing rags and tell him to get fucked with that much haughtiness.” He pushed a button and spoke into his phone. “Young’s fan club is here.”

“What’d she get arrested for?” Knight tapped his knuckles on the counter, his anxiety unwilling to make small talk.

“Destruction of property and assault. I don’t know what the DA will charge her with, but she’s going to be sitting in lockup for a while.” He looked at our rumpled suits and shrugged. “Maybe not, though.”

Kyrin was good friends with the DA after selling the woman a horse for her daughter. He was already pulling his phone out with his free hand. “Not.”

“Who’d she assault?” I looked up as another office pushed open a door to the back and held it for us. “Do you know?”

The second officer looked us over and chuckled. “This lady is surrounded by rich men, huh? The guy she beat the shit out of was some big wig, too.”

My stomach twisted. “Monroe Blake?”

“Yes, sir. She trashed his car and when he came out to stop her, she trashed him. When we got there, she had that grown man on the ground, pushing his face into dirt and screaming at him. You know the story there?” The officer led us through a maze of offices and down a set of stairs. “She’s lucky she didn’t get tased. She calmed down as soon as she was in the car, but she’s got a mouth on her. Tough, too. More than half the fights we break up usually have one or more titties just out there, man. Women’s clothes aren’t made for fighting. Not Miss Young, though. She was classy when she wasn’t trying to murder that man.”

I looked back at Kyrin. “Make the call. She’s not staying the night here.”

Knight wiped his hands on his shirt, his nerves showing. “She was telling the truth, wasn’t she?”

I ground my teeth together so hard it felt like I'd break them all. "Which means we have a leak in our office. That's something we'll handle. Swiftly."

The officer opened a heavy metal door and looked back at us. “Normally, I’d keep you guys in the visiting area, but it’s a slow night. Plus, your lady’s been holding court since she got in the cell. I think the other women would riot if I took their new leader away.”

I heard her long before I saw her. Her raised voice was a far cry from the woman who’d left our office earlier in the day. She sounded fierce and ready for battle.

“I am done with men after this. Let me tell you, it took me three decades to find men who could make me orgasm like it was their job and they turned out to be the absolute worst. I’m just going to buy one of those really nice vibrators and a stuffed animal to cuddle. It’s not like I need a man for anything else.”

“I like my man because he’s so strong. I feel so safe with him.” Another woman called back.

“I just beat up a man twice my size. I’ll keep myself safe.” Aggie scoffed. “Try again.”

“Sometimes they open things for you. That’s nice.”

“I would literally rather smash a jar of pickles on the ground to open it every single time I want a pickle than have to listen to a man talk to me for one more second of my life.” Aggie’s voice rang out louder. “Men suck. They just take and take and take and then call you a whore when you do the freaky shittheywanted to begin with.”

A few women cheered her on.

“I knew that men were terrible when I got into this situation. I’d just been dumped and fired by the same dumbass, at the same time, because I wouldn’t quit my job and give him two point five children to impress his country club parents. I knew that these three were jerks. They didn’t care that I was smart, talented, and the top strategist in the state. Do you know what kind of arrogance you have to have to dismiss talented employees? So, really, I’m the idiot for falling in love with them.

“I knew better and I still walked right into it. How dumb do I have to be to have let myself be made into such a fool for three men? It’s impressive, really.” Aggie groaned. “I’m so angry that I cried in front of them. Stupid.”

“Honey, you’re getting sad. Focus on angry.”

Aggie swore loudly. “You’re right! It’s not the time to think about stupid emotions and feelings. It’s the time to think about how they offered me up to their conference room Connies! It’s time to think about how they had me dragged out of their house. In front of that sweet little girl. Assholes.”