“Well, well, well. Look who we have here! The Graves boys. How lucky am I to run into you three?” Blake stood beside our table with his hands in his pockets, a smug smile on his face.

“Blake.” I lifted my eyebrows at him. “Can we help you with something?”

His smile grew larger. “Nope. There’s nothing you can do for me. Plenty I could do for you, though.”

Knight groaned. “For the last time, we’re not interested, Blake. Not our type.”

“No, I’m not, am I?” Rocking back on his heels, Blake chuckled. “You all seem to be more interested in dirty blondes with big green eyes.”

The need to strangle him washed over me in waves, but I sat perfectly still. Every sense of foreboding in my body was flashing and I knew whatever he was going to say was going to fucking suck.

“Seriously, what do you want? We’ve got places to be.” Kyrin sounded bored, but I could feel his anger.

“How long did it take you to fuck her?” Blake’s smile slipped, but only for a fraction of a second. “I knew she’d do whatever needed to be done, but I didn’t realize just how committed she was. I hope you at least made her come. She deserved it.”

Silence met Blake’s little speech. Even as I told my brain to do something, my mouth stayed shut as dread soaked into every dark corner of my being.

“What? Are you three going to pretend like you already knew my special Aggie girl was playing you? From what I hear, you three acted like you were ready to give her the world.” He laughed louder. “Sorry. I’m just trying to imagine how dumb you must feel right now. Don’t be too hard on yourselves, though. Aggie’s good. There’s a reason she holds one of the top positions at my company.”

His words slammed through my head like a bullet. I couldn’t think clearly.

“You’re full of shit.” Kyrin’s voice shook with anger. “And you should walk away before you say something that makes me jump this table to take your head off.”

“Did you know that Price Holden is thinking about moving his account to my company? Yeah, it seems like he isn’t interested in the drama that might come from you all letting your girlfriend sort through private client intel. Plus, I was able to offer him a better contract price. Isn’t that something?”

I sat up straighter and glanced at Knight. He’d been sure we hadn’t lost any information, but what Blake was saying made it clear that information had been leaked. Our company had a reputation for providing privacy and security to our clients. A leak could do major damage.

“Don’t be so sad, boys. Agatha Young is a shark.”

I could hear Aggie’s voice saying the same thing. She’d told us she was a shark and we’d invited her inside.

“She’s been such an asset.” Blake groaned. “I have missed that ass, though. It’s been a few weeks since I got to sink deep inside her. I didn’t even get to take my time and enjoy it that day. The bathroom of a doll store isn’t exactly the best space for fucking. Plus, the kid was waiting for her.”

Kyrin threw his body across the table and was only stopped from wrapping his hands around Blake’s throat by Knight and I holding him back. “You’re a fucking monster. Walk outside and keep talking to me. I’ll fucking end you, you pathetic piece of shit!”

I struggled to hold Kyrin away from Blake and only managed it to keep my brother out of jail. Blake was the type to instigate something and then press charges. We had things to do besides waiting on Kyrin to be released. “Not worth it, Ky. We’ll handle it.”

Blake backed away, still smug. “Is it weird that I can’t wait to get Agatha back into my bed? I’m just so damn proud of her.”

As soon as Kyrin had calmed down enough to sit back down and not chase after Blake, I yanked out my phone and dialed our security team. I glanced at my brothers and saw they both looked shellshocked. Rage directed me as I made the decisions I did. I didn’t have time to feel anything other than the fury coursing through my body.

“Jim? I need you to gather Miss Young and her possessions and get them the fuck out of my house. Right now. She’s not to be allowed back on the property. If she won’t leave, call the cops and let them handle it.”

Knight looked up at me as he absently rubbed his chest. He opened his mouth and then changed his mind about whatever he was about to say. Looking away, he sighed and shook his head.

“She’s not to be allowed near Gracie before leaving. Just get her out.” I hung up and dropped my phone on the table. Lifting my water to my lips, I saw the way my hand shook and let out a violent growl before throwing the glass across the room.



“Ican’tbelieveyou’releaving tomorrow.” Jamie finished the last dish from lunch and dried it while studying my face. “I got the impression that you’d be staying around.”

I ducked my head to hide my shame. “No. It’s okay, though. You know? It was a nice change for a month. Now I’ll go back to the real world.”

“Aggie, you…don’t take this the wrong way, but you sound like your dog just died. If you want to stay, I’m pretty damn sure the guys would have you settled on top of a throne in no time at all.” He laughed easily. “They’re all googly-eyed over you.”

My eyes burned, but I fought the emotion that built larger with every second. “Things aren’t always what they seem. It doesn’t matter what I want. They’re moving on. I’m moving on. Everyone is moving on. It’s great. Honestly, I’m going to be great.”