“Her attitude is out of control. I think she needs to be tied up and taught a lesson.” Kyrin licked his lips. “I can have ropes here in less than five minutes, baby.”

I knew my face was red as I thought of what being tied up by Kyrin would be like. Heat swarmed my whole body and I stumbled over my own feet.

Kyrin caught me and kissed me gently before letting me go. “Later.”

He opened the door and my dad was on the other side, a big smile on his face. “I’m ready to be Grandpa Marky Mark!”

I shuddered. “God, Dad. We talked about you calling yourself Marky Mark.”

“You talked about it. I ignored you. Where’s Gracie?” He winked at Kyrin. “Notice how she didn’t revolt at the part where I called myself a grandpa? Big things are happening, aren’t they?”

“She’s upstairs with Mary. Thanks for coming even though we keep changing the plans.” Pulling me under his arm, Zander went on talking to Dad like they were the best of friends. “You’re sure Brenda and Gracie will get along?”

I scowled up at Zander and then at Dad. “You two have talked about Brenda?”

Dad rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Ag, we’ve talked about Brenda. She’s kind of a big deal. The farm is her playground and we just exist around her. Kyrin’s giving me some pointers on how to make her less of a bitch.”

“You’re talking to Kyrin about Brenda, too?” I looked at Knight. “Are you also have secret conversations with my dad about his pet cow?”

Knight shook his head. “Nope. We don’t talk about cows.”

“I’m sorry. Are you implying that you talk about other things?” I threw up my hands and headed upstairs. “You’re all weird and I don’t know how I feel about it. I’ll get Gracie. I owe her an apology anyway. I think I ruined her first friendship here.”

“We’re not the ones who mailed shit to our ex.” Dad had always been sensitive to being called weird and he was clearly throwing me under the bus because of it. “You callmeweird? I’m original. Nothing weird about me.”

“Stop right there, baby.” Zander saw me start up the stairs faster and gave chase. “I just want to know about this shit you mailed!”

I let out a laughing scream and ran faster. “My dad’s a filthy liar! Chase him!”

Dad’s grunt followed me up the stairs. “Ungrateful brat.”



Ichewedonmylip as I hovered outside the library, curiosity driving me insane. Mary stood next to me, her arms crossed over her chest and a deep frown on her face. The new nanny was sitting on the other side of the door, meeting with the guys and Gracie. I had so many feelings happening inside my head that some of them were leaking into other parts of my body. My stomach cramped painfully and I hadn’t been able to stop moving.

“She’d better be good. I’ve got to tell you, I’m tired of meeting new nannies.” Mary saw my face drop and rolled her eyes. “You’re hardly a nanny, Agatha.”

For some reason, that made me sad. It wasn’t that I wanted to be a nanny in any way. I wanted to get back to work, but I wanted to have left my mark on the household. The new nanny was going to start and I felt like I was just going to fade away.

“You know what I mean, hon. You’ve been more than a nanny here. We both know that. This house is a labyrinth, but sound travels. You fulfilled needs that no nanny ever has in this home.” She patted my arm. “You’ve been so much more than those fools could’ve ever hoped for when they lured you here.”

I faked a smile and ran the hem of my T-shirt through my fingers. I hadn’t known the new woman was showing up that afternoon. I was dressed in some of my slouchiest clothes. It’d been impossible not to compare myself to her when she stood next to me in a beautiful dress and kitten heels that made her look so damn professional. I could tell by the way she knelt so gracefully in front of Gracie that she was used to kids and being ladylike in dresses. I couldn’t compete with that.

“I thought the company couldn’t send a new nanny for another week?” I paced away from the library and twisted the end of my ponytail. “She’s early.”

“This is just the interview, Agatha. She won’t be available to start work for another few days, but this is just the process.” Mary glanced behind me and nodded. “Jamie has their drinks ready. Do you want me to carry them in?”

I glanced back at Jamie and shook my head. “I can do it. I’m great at carrying drinks and not being weird when feeling stressed. Right, Jamie?”

He grinned and held the tray closer to his chest. “We made up and I consider you a friend now, Aggie. That makes lying to you hard.”

“No, I’m fine. This isn’t a big deal. I don’t even know why I’m feeling so nervous. Gracie needs someone and I’m leaving to go back to work.” If I had a job. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shirt and took the tray. “I’ve led multi-million dollar meetings. I can handle this. I’m just being silly.”

Mary walked ahead of me. “I’ll open the door. If you drop everything, at least you’ll get in the library before you do. The carpet in there is easier to clean.”

My stomach knotted but I forced myself to move slowly and carefully. Just because I wasn’t in my profession didn’t mean I couldn’t be professional. I was sure the new nanny was being professional. With a silent curse at myself, I entered the library and smiled politely.