“What’s happening?” Zander strode into the house, mouth set in a hard line, looking every bit like an angry god. “Start from the beginning and don’t stop until I say.”
I narrowed my eyes at his high-handedness, but I was far too panicked to take the time to correct him. “People just started showing up. I was swimming with Gracie and the next thing I know, there are twenty other kids splashing in the pool while their parents stared at me, waiting for me to do a trick or something. One of the other nannies invited everyone in Gracie’s class for a pool party with their parents and then didn’t cancel the party or put it on the calendar when she left!”
“Don’t even think of mentioning that Gracie doesn’t have a class because it’s summer, either, because those parents will murder you with their judgmental expressions. Because,duh, they’re talking about her upcoming class for the fall. They’re just out there, scowling and waiting on me to bring out snacks? I don’t know what rich parents do with other rich parents, Zan. This was the worst day for all three of you to be gone.”
He pulled me into his chest and rested his chin on top of my head. “I’ll handle it. They can all get the fuck out.”
I gasped and pulled away from him. “No, Zander! Gracie is fragile right now. She needs friends. If you kick those awful people out, she’ll be the weird kid who had the terrible pool party. They stay. I’ll just…whip up some…cucumbers? I’m in over my head here. I need Mary. Or Jamie. Or my dad. My dad would know what to do.”
Zander growled and pulled me back into his chest. “You don’t need anyone else. I’ll help. If you won’t let me kick them out, will you at least let me call in reinforcements so you’re not responsible for whipping upcucumbers?”
“God, yes. I know my strengths, and this is not one of them. I tried, Zander. I tried to solve the problem and no matter what, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get past one of the moms telling me she’d like a plate of organic vegetables with some sort of yogurt sauce. I found some carrots and a bottle of ranch. Where the hell is Jamie?”
“We gave him the day off because we were going to take you out tonight. Your dad was going to come over and watch Gracie. So much for that plan.” With a sigh, Zander pulled his phone out of his pocket and held me with one arm while he tapped away with the other hand. “Kyrin’s on his way back from picking up a mare and Knight will be here in half an hour. I’ll have a caterer here with prepared food before Knight. The bar’s stocked, which is what these people want more than anything. It’s fine. We won’t let Gracie become a social pariah.”
I narrowed my eyes. “You’re laughing at me, aren’t you?”
“Of course, not.” He leaned down and kissed me. “I’ll come out and explain what’s happening. Where do you want to be?”
I shuddered. “Away from those parents. I’ll just stay in the pool with the kids.”
“Come on, then.” He ran his eyes over my coverup and opened his mouth to say something when a high voice rang out through the house.
“Hello? Are you hiding in here? We’re thirsty.”
I blew out a deep breath and pasted on a smile. “Coming!”
Of course, when the parents saw Zander, they were all smiles and sugary sweetness. They immediately perked up and I watched in annoyance as more than one woman lifted her breasts before facing him. I turned my back to all of them and joined the kids at the pool.
Gracie waved at me and swam over. “Are you getting in, Aggie? We’re going to play Marco Polo!”
I shrugged out of my coverup and nodded. “Of course. That sounds like a blast! Who’s going to be Marco first?”
Ten games of Marco Polo later, all of which I was Marco, I heard a commotion and opened my eyes to see food being set up at a table on the patio. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Seeing the parents moving towards the food gave me enough reason to wait to eat, though, and I played several more games before sitting on the side of the pool and refereeing.
“You’re really great with the kids.”
I looked up and shielded my eyes from the sun as one of the dads stood over me. “Thank you.”
“The line just died down for the food. You should grab some before Sharon goes back.” He held out his hand and smiled. “She’s been on a diet for the past few months and it just ended. So I heard, anyway.”
Slipping into my polite professional mode, I forced my face into a subdued smile and stood up without the help of his hand. “Sorry, my hands are all wet.”
“I wouldn’t have minded. I’m always eager to help.” He fell into step beside me as I moved towards the food. “I’m Bo Fox. Lilah’s dad.”
“Lilah is the cute little red head? She seems to be getting along great with Gracie.” I grabbed a plate and looked back at the pool. “They’re still together right now, tucked over by the slide. They’re both sweet as can be, but terrible cheats at Marco Polo.”
He laughed and rested his hand on my back. “I heard you’ll be leaving the Graveses soon. I could always use a nanny like yourself.”
I stepped away from him and busied myself with stacking food on my plate. Had Zander been telling people I was leaving soon? Why? “Hmm. Sorry. I’ll be going back into my actual field when I leave here.”
“Which is?” He stepped closer to me again. “I promise I pay well. I’d make it worth your while.”
“I really am not interested in being a nanny after this.” I bit into a carrot and edged around him. “Thanks, though.”
“What about the other thing?” He raked his eyes down my body, no longer bothering to hide his interest.
My entire body felt like I’d stepped into an oven. “What other thing?”