“I want to destroy Monroe Blake. I worked harder than anyone else in that company. I was the last one to leave every day. I bled for that company. I loved it. I made it better, too. I improved the company and I felt pride in that. I would’ve continued working there for as long as possible, even after the breakup.” I lowered my voice again when I realized I’d been speaking louder with my growing passion. “For Monroe to fire me over his hurt feelings is one of the most infuriating things to ever happen to me. I want to destroy him for it. The right way.”

“Your company is a stunning example of a thriving business, but I can make it better. Give me an hour with your marketing team and I’ll come back with ten different solutions for how to grow your reach. I want to make your company even larger than it already is so it slowly and systematically chokes the life out of Blake Corp. I could do it from anywhere, but it would take too long at a smaller company. Not that they’d even hire me. I’m assuming I’ve been blacklisted.”

Kyrin whistled. “Revenge. That’s the first time we’ve ever heard that one.”

Knight nodded. “No kidding. Revenge is not exactly something I’d stake our company on. This is our father’s legacy. We would never leave it resting on the too narrow shoulders of an angry ex-girlfriend.”

“I’ll be honest. You’re believable. And the idea of Monroe Blake screwing someone over adds up.” Zander steepled his fingers in front of his chest as he sat forward. “You’re not worth the risk, however, Ms. Young. There’s not a chance in the world that we’d take a chance on you. Hiring a spy sounds about as fun as stapling my dick to this table. No, thank you.”

I narrowed my eyes but kept my temper in check. “I’d urge you to reconsider. Please. Just look over my portfolio.”

Zander Graves’ answer was to slide his copy of my resume and portfolio across the table to me. Tilting his head, he studied me. “You can go now.”

I slid my information back towards him as I stood up. Anger threatened to spill out at any second, so I kept my mouth shut as I strode out of conference room C, unsure of where I was going from there.



“IsBlakeseriouslysodesperate that sending his woman to us seemed like a good idea? We could chew her up and spit her out before lunch.” I stared out the floor to ceiling windows in Zander’s office and shook my head. “I would have considered it if she didn’t look ready to rip our faces off.”

Zander tapped one of his favorite gold pens against his mouth and frowned. “The handful of times I’ve seen them together, he looked like he was clinging to her. I don’t know if I believe he’d send her to us.”

“So, what?” Knight tossed his glasses on the desk and sighed. “You think she was legit?”

“Not a chance in hell. You saw her portfolio. No way in hell is she as talented as she claims. Blake is a lot of things, but he’s not dumb enough to send away anyone so talented.” Zander dropped his pen and stood up. “If he had that kind of power in his pocket, he wouldn’t be pulling his idiotic spy shit so often.”

I focused across the skyline at the Blake Corp building and scowled at the modern monstrosity. “I’m still a big fan of the idea of just handling this the old way. Give me two minutes with that piece of shit on the back forty of our property and I’ll set him straight.”

“You can have your time with the man, if I can have some time with his woman.” Knight surprised both of us with his crude honesty. “It’s been a long time for me and there’s something about the hard set of her jaw that makes me want to bend her over. She’ll be a pain in the ass of anyone she ends up with, that much is clear.”

My mind snapped back to the angry look on Ms. Young's face and I nearly groaned at the memory of her green eyes burning with fury. Eyes as big as hers were usually innocent, at least in apperance, but hers were anything but. There was a challenge in every glance, a demand for the object of her focus to explain themselves or feel her wrath. With full cheeks and a cute little nose, she had all the makings of a Disney princess. I'd bet her hair flowed down her back in gentle waves and she'd fit perfectly in a glass slipper, but with anger like hers, there weren't going to be any birds circling around her to lend a hand anytime soon. She'd strike fear in an alligator with one look.

I shook my head. Having a kid around was fucking with the way I thought. Why the hell was I thinking about princesses and glass slippers?

I gave myself a moment more to fondly recall the way her pencil skirt had hugged her ass and showcased a killer pair of legs. Seeing her leave in a huff had been enjoyable in more ways than one. “Speaking of asses…”

Zander grunted and rapped his knuckles against his desk. “She’s with Blake. No matter how fucking perfect her ass is, she’s off-limits.”

I chuckled. “I was going to say that we need to find another donkey. A female one. Chuck’s orders.”

Knight grabbed his glasses while laughing. “Glad to know I wasn’t the only one thinking about the curves of Ms. Young’s body.”

The intercom system buzzed and Beth’s frantic voice filled the office, followed shortly by the sound of Gracie screaming. “We need you down here now!”

I didn’t take the moment I needed to gather myself before running out to find Gracie. Zander and Knight were at my heels, the three of us taking the stairs to the floor below where Gracie was supposed to be hanging out with Beth at the executive level reception desk. My heart raced painfully, the same way it did every time I heard Gracie scream. I wasn’t sure my heart had ever settled back down fully after the first time we’d heard Gracie scream that night in the hospital. She’d been hurt in the accident that killed her parents, but her screams hadn’t been over the pain she felt.

The three of us had never looked less professional as we slid to a stop in front of Beth’s desk. Gracie was on her back in the middle of the lobby, throwing the tantrum of all tantrums. Her legs and arms were flying about and her face was bright red. Her screams were so shrill that my head instantly throbbed painfully.

Gracie’s tantrums were exactly why we’d been going through nannies. No one could handle her. Least of all me. I could break a wild stallion in less time than it took to calm Gracie down.

Standing over her, I frowned. “What’s wrong, Gracie?”

She screamed something unintelligible and kicked her legs harder. I was uncomfortably aware of the people milling about, staring in at our private life. I hated exposing Gracie to it when she’d already been through so much.

She squeaked when I grabbed her by the front of her dress and lifted her off the ground. “Put me down, Uncle Ky!”

I carried her flailing body to the stairwell and winced as her screams bounced around the smaller space. “Not until we get up to our office.”