Page 22 of Forbidden Protector

I walked in, and spoke to the woman at the front of the office.

“I have an appointment,” I said.

“What’s the name?” she asked.

“King,” I said.

She didn’t flinch, and looked for my name.

“I don’t see it,” she said.

“It’s there,” I said. “It’s right at this time.”

“Nope, don’t see it, fill out this form…”

I stopped her right in her tracks. “I said the appointment was for this time.” I slipped her a bill, and she looked at me funny, so I put another one on the table.

“Tell the doctor I’m here,” I said. “They’ll be happy to see me. Right now.”

This time the clerk seemed perturbed, and I smiled. “Tell him Frank King’s daughter is here.”

Her face turned white.

I loved the power I had, and within minutes a disheveled man called my name.

“Adriana,” he said. He was careful not to mention my name out loud as anyone in the lobby who knew me might want to cause trouble. Jackson was out in the car, but he could see the lobby from his vantage point.

I walked into the patient's area, and soon he was making notes of my measurements.

“Weight, 119 pounds, height, five four…” He muttered, writing in his file.

“What brings you in today?” He asked.

“I need a pregnancy test,” I said.

His eyes went wide. He instinctively knew I didn’t want anyone knowing, so he stayed quiet. He made his way to a cabinet, and soon, he brought out one of the tests.

“Bathroom’s over there, Ms. King.” He pointed at the only door in the patients room, and I went to do my business.

Sure enough, it was positive.

“All good?” He asked.

I showed him the test. “Your father know?”

“No, but that’s not your problem,” I said.


“Yeah,” I threw the test away. “I know my options.”

He shrugged and suggested I get prenatal vitamins. Then he asked if I’d have another check up.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll come soon. You’ll see me. Daddy won’t know until then.”

He nodded, and I thanked him on my way out. He had taken blood as well, and I had been healthy. Overall, the whole thing was rather uneventful. Other than the fact that, crap, I was actually pregnant.

Jackson asked me about my visit as I got in the car.