Page 95 of Calming the Storm

"What do you see in this painting?" I asked.

Aki was quiet for a minute before he replied. "A strong woman who's either been through challenges and has finally conquered them, or a strong woman who is ready for a new beginning, knowing there are challenges up ahead. From her posture and the confidence that radiates off the image, she doesn't fear either."

I nodded, squeezing his hand slightly.

"Do you...think I'll be able to be like that? know. Can I be confident and fearless enough to hold a sword and fight for what I believe in?"

"Yes. You can."

"But what if it takes me weeks...or months...or years?"

"Allow your mind, body, and soul to take as long as it needs to heal, Crimson," Aki reassured me. I raised my head to see him peering down at me. "It's not a race. Healing takes time, and I and the others will be here the entire time."

"How about if I never heal?"

"You will."

"You can't be confident about that."

"I'm confident in you. You'll get through this Crimson and be stronger than before."

"You don't know how I feel..." I trailed off, lowering my head to stare at our joined hands.

"Not exactly...but I know." He whispered.

"You in..." I trailed off, lifting my head to see Aki's sad smile.

He nodded, squeezing my hand back and turned his attention back to the painting.

"Took 2 years to be able to fight without fear. 6 months of recovery. I took a few months just to be with my family back then...and well, I found a new resolve and decided to fight again. It was hard, but it became harder to hide and do nothing about it." Aki explained.

"Do you have anything you regret?" I asked.

"Not trying. I gave the people who broke me the satisfaction they wanted. It wasn't until my sword drove into their chests that they realized they had only made me stronger. In the end, I had the last laugh...and it's a glorious feeling to experience."

"Thank you, Aki," I whispered, turning my head back to the painting as I absorbed his words.

He was once like me...he knows how I feel...he knows.

"Aki...Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Someone told me staring at art helps calm you down and it's best when it's quiet. Thought it would be better than staying indoors today." He suggested.

"Only one person knows about that." I pointed out.

"I'm aware." He replied.

I was quiet for a long moment, deciding this was the time to tell him.

"James was in the forest," I confessed.

Aki looked my way, and I turned my head to meet his gaze. He didn't look upset or concerned. He seemed rather calm which helped prompt me to continue.

"He gave me the red crystal. He told me he was a puppet, and I needed to see who was pulling the strings. I feel like we're missing something," I admitted.

"Hmm," Aki replied.
