Page 85 of Calming the Storm

"You spoil me." Erica grinned.

"That's because I love you."

"Just a few more days. After the peace contract is signed, we’ll finally be able to disappear and live our lives as a couple," Erica whispered against my lips.

I closed the distance, giving her a firm kiss before pulling back to nod.

"We’ll fake my disappearance and make our way to America. After enjoying a nice vacation there, we’ll head to Switzerland. I have a house there ready for us. All it needs is our signature."

"A house?!" Erica squealed.

"Yes, a house for me and my loyal lover who I’ll marry. Then we’ll live happily ever a&er without wasting our time on assignments and this broken system. A stupid contract won't maintain peace here. W e might as we! go to the land of neutrality and start fresh."

"You sure? What if, you know, things come out?" Erica asked hesitantly.

"It won't matter. It’ll be too late, and with my powers and connections, we shouldn't have a problem finding work anywhere. We finally have decent enough technology to make video conference ca!s, so if anyone questions anything, I can always do that," I suggested.

"I can't believe we’ll finally be more hiding. Just us," Erica whispered.

"Yes, just us. It may break those guys’ hearts, but it is what it is. They were only a stepping stone for what I wanted," I admitted.

"What about your familiars?" Erica asked.

"They're bound to this watch. They have no say in the matter. They're mine and if they don't like what I need to do, they can stay and rot. I already have issues with four of them. Urufu is only loyal to me because she was my first familiar. Even if she doesn't like my tactics, there's nothing she can do about it. I'm their master and they'! do what I ask, even if I have to force some of them," I declared.

"You know, you're really hot when you get all serious," Erica purred.

I blushed, glancing away.

"You're silly."


"Hmm. Yes please," I whispered, putting my hand in hers.

I knew people would get hurt and hearts would be broken, but I wanted to find happiness.

That wasn't with those men who'd protect me with their lives. It was with my female lover, and soon we'd be able to enjoy the life I’d worked so hard to finally achieve.

Very soon.

* * *

"I'll be back in a few hours. Don't be crawling all over the floor. We're in a secluded area and there's no way your boyfriends will find you. Your magic is temporarily locked thanks to that poison I injected. I’ll give you another dose when I return," Erica announced.

Her heels clicked against the cool cement floor and I heard the door close.

My Kitsune whimpered, her body curled up in a ball as she trembled.

I bit my lip to muffle the sob that escaped me; the pain that pounded through me made it hard to breathe.

I need to move. Must go...

Tears rolled down my cheeks, which were already drenched from crying and stained with remnants of blood. I tried to avoid looking at the floor beneath me, knowing I'd be greeted by a pool of blood.

My blood.

I glanced at the single hair ornament on the ground a few feet away. During my long hour of torture, Erica thought it would be amusing to pull out the hair ornaments I’d gotten from Itsuki. She broke one of them after I tried to fight back, which only led to me being more battered than I might have been if I'd cooperated.