Page 73 of Calming the Storm

My eyes widened when I caught sight of the red crystal as well.

What?! He...

I lifted my head back in the direction he'd walked off in, but he was already gone. I picked up the tiny note and opened it up.

Red has always been my favorite color.

This is my apology for ruining the life you could have had.

But, everything happens for a reason and maybe..

.this small action will make my end less dreadful.

Love you

- J.H.

your SOB ex-boyfriend.

"What am I going to do...?" I whispered, feeling utterly confused.

I took a quick glance around, noticing the cherry blos- soms hadn't changed color yet.

Lifting the pocket watch from my chest, it became visible and a tear fell onto its surface.

I used the back of my hand to wipe away my tears before lifting the crystal and placing it in the right socket.

I closed my eyes at the sudden burst of power that escaped the crystal, ruffling the trees and the blossoms that lingered on the ground. I opened my eyes and gasped at the large Phoenix hovering above me.

Its glowing gold eyes locked onto mine with a look of wisdom and understanding.

"Welcome home..." I cried, my shoulders raising up and down as I sobbed.

The Phoenix nodded its head, and I thought it would return to the crystal like the other had done, but instead, it lowered till its head was in front of mine.

It leaned in and brushed my tears with its face, doing my left side first, followed by the right. Words flowed into my mind in a gentle, small voice.

Stand tall, our Master, for all will be well. Trust in us and in your body to guide you to the path of righteousness and deliver justice to those who truly deserve it. Trust in us to see the evil in all things, including those that appear pure.

I nodded my head in understanding at the passage of wisdom delivered to me.

Just as I was about to thank the Phoenix familiar, I realized the perfect name that would suit her.

"Arigato, Fushichou."

She spread her wings out and gave a gentle cry, the sound making me realize she was happy I'd named her.

She flew around me three times, the wind picking up the cherry blossoms that lingered nearby on the ground, sending them twirling around my body.

She then flew up and dived into the watch, the other three crystals glowing vibrantly as she joined them.

I smiled with pride at the four dazzling crystals, my eyes lingering on the last empty spot before I lifted my gaze to watch the blossoms rain down on me.

One more to go. I’ll find you and discover the truth.


Danger And Betrayal