Page 64 of Calming the Storm



"Hahaha, she's gonna die. You belong with the rest of the dead humans."

"Once we finish with her, we'll get paid! We'll be able to go buy whatever and our parents will praise us."

"Good riddance. Humans are pathetic. Waste of space." "Die!"

I tugged my hand out of Quil's and darted forward, moving quickly as I heard a muffled scream. The sound of footsteps not too far behind told me Quil picked up on what was going on and was following my lead.

In seconds, we were in front of six kids who looked to be in their early teens, none appearing older than thirteen. I locked on to a pair of hands gripping for dear life over the edge of a cliff that led to a deep stream. I gasped, which alerted the six boys to our presence.

Quillian took a step forward.

"FREEZE!" he snapped, and all six of the boys were frozen in place, blocks of ice covering their feet.

I was at the edge of the cliff in a heartbeat and grabbed onto the little girl just as her hands slipped.

"I got you!" I exclaimed, meeting her wide, fearful green eyes.

I pulled her up and she crawled into my arms, holding me so tight as she trembled uncontrollably. I helped untie the cloth covering her mouth that served to muffle her cries. She began to wail and sob.

"Arigato! Arigatooo." She repeated the words over and over again.

"You're safe now," I spoke quietly, stroking her back soothingly.

"Let go of us, Roujin!" one of the boys snapped with anger.

"YA! You old man! Don't interfere, or we're gonna tell!" another boy declared.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL OF YOU!" Quillian shouted, silencing all of them with ease.

A chill ran through me as a cold breeze blew in our direction.

I looked to Quillian, whose eyes were flickering in different colors as he stood there with clenched fists. I could feel immense rage flowing off him in waves and his hair began to shift from its normal blonde with red ends to a bright blue with amber ends.

Blue scales ran down his arms, which were visible thanks to his tank top. A long blue tail formed, with a sharp end that reminded me of the edge of an arrow, which shifted between red, gold, and orange.

"Oh, shit..." one of the boys whispered, trembling in fear.

"D...dra...dragon shifter?!" another boy said in shock, pointing to Quil, who looked ready to kill these kids.

"Who are you going to tell, huh?" Quil demanded, his voice a lot deeper than his usual tone and filled with malice.

"Uncle Joe...he told us we had to kill humans and we'd get rewarded by a red-eyed man!" a boy with blonde hair confessed.

"Dammit, Chris! You weren't supposed to say anything!" a fourth boy complained.

"He's a dragon shifter! He'll fry us! We're already in fucking trouble. This is all your fault! You forced me into this and told me you'd make sure the red-eyed guy kills me and my whole family if I said anything!" Chris snapped with tears in his eyes. I could tell he was speaking the truth and looked up at Quil, who met my gaze. He nodded to me and pulled out our card key, pressing the bottom button.

A hologram formed; it was an image of the maid from earlier. "Good afternoon, Mr. Reid. How can I be of assistance?"

"Please bring the police force down to the second pathway leading to the main square. We found five kids who tried to kill a human kid. Also, send a unit of officers to retrieve a man who goes by Uncle Joe. If anyone tries to go against this order, inform them that Quillian of the Empiric Guards has authorized this order with the Emperor's permission. Anyone who resists will be brought in for investigation."

"Y-yes, Sir Reid! Police officers have been dispatched and should be there at any moment!" she exclaimed.

"Arigato," Quillian replied before pressing the button to turn off the hologram.