Page 57 of Calming the Storm

"Malach..." I trailed off as my control was broken, and just like that, darkness reclaimed me.

* * *


I quickly reached out to catch Crimson, who moaned quietly, still deep in sleep.

Malachi sighed and sat up before helping me lower Crimson back against her pillow. Her tails relaxed on Malachi's side, lifting slightly for a moment before slowly settling into place as she continued to sleep like nothing had happened.

"This is getting dangerous," Malachi declared solemnly, reaching out to rub his thumb over Crimson's mouth. He closed his eyes and a small gold light formed against her lower lip.

When it dimmed, the bite was healed, and the excess blood was gone.

"I don't think I can handle that again," I confessed, my voice trembling with anger. I tried my best to hide the fear I felt, but Malachi noticed as he studied me.

"You're still struggling."

"In terms of my love for Crimson? No. I'm...struggling with facing Storm."

"She's not real," Malachi insisted.

"You think I don't realize that, Malachi? My mind tells me she's not...yet...fuck. I just..." I trailed off, unable to explain how I felt.

"It's not like you still love Storm, but that part of you that vowed to always serve and do as she wanted lingers in you," Malachi elaborated.

"You know my kind is loyal to the end, Malachi....and that's where I'm struggling. I'm loyal to Crimson....but that part of me still hasn’t completely let go of my loyalty to Storm. I'm trying. I really am. But it's hard when I keep being tested by her...she knows that." I groaned in frustration as I ruffled my hair.

"She's been repeating all my intimate scenes with her in Crimson's dreams," I whispered.

"Nani? Why? What purpose would that serve?" Malachi questioned.

"Aki said the last time he was intimate with Crim, they talked about Storm’s murder. She was able to take control.”

"So she thinks if she makes Crim desperate enough for you, she'll get her moment to be intimate with you without Crimson noticing?" Malachi wondered.

"I don't fucking know, Malachi. I really don't!" I replied, deciding I needed to go out and smoke or something.

"I'm gonna get air."

"Don't tell me you're gonna go smoke."

I didn't reply, knowing I couldn't lie about that.

"You said you'd quit after Storm's death, Quil. Don't start again because of her."

"I'm freaking out, Malachi. Just one," I insisted, shuffling to the edge of the bed.


I blushed and looked over my shoulder to see Crimson roll over to her left side, her tails curling around her as she smiled dreamily.

"I don't even wanna know what she's dreaming about. My sizzling self is hurt," Malachi said dramatically, and I shook my head.

"I'll be back," I whispered, getting up and heading for the door.


I paused at the door to our room. "What, Malachi?"