Page 52 of Calming the Storm

"Promise me, Crimson,” he whispered insistently.

I looked up at him, and his lips were just barely touching mine.

"I promise. I'll try to vent to you guys more," I vowed.

He looked satisfied with my answer and closed the distance, giving me a long kiss as a reward.

"Am I interrupting?"

We pulled back to see Haru leaning against the door of the private hospital room, a broad smile on his lips.

"Haru?!" I exclaimed, smiling widely at seeing him standing there.

"The doctor let you out?" Itsuki questioned.

Haru glanced away .


Itsuki sighed and I giggled, loving how Haru couldn't even lie about misbehaving. He'd been sneaking out of his room for the last three days in a row, even though he was supposed to be on strict bedrest. His wound was completely healed, but the doctors were taking serious precautions, stating that Haru could experience after effects and needed monitoring.

I personally thought it was a bunch of bull, but seeing as Yomato had instructed we get the best care possible, the medical team wasn't going to take any chances, not wanting to get in trouble with the Emperor.

Haru locked the door and dimmed the lights before coming over to the bed.

I immediately scooted over, and Itsuki shifted closer to the edge to give enough space for Haru to lay down on my other side.

For the entire three days I’d been in the private medical ward, Itsuki and Haru had been my sleeping buddies. Quil and Malachi were out tracking down all the suspicious individuals in smaller towns and villages. Both of them were fed up with what was going on and decided to get special orders from the Emperor to bring them in. Aki and Yoshi were working on setting up a peace conference while also trying to track down more information on N.R.O.

That left me with my two quiet guys, which I thought was ironic because I’d been desperately wanting to have time with them, and here was my chance.

"What were you two talking about?" Haru asked.

"I explained what we found during our research, and I think it's pretty accurate," Itsuki explained.

Haru nodded and turned to lay on his side, staring at me. "Makes sense. It would explain why Crimson cried over Malachi eating the last scoop of green tea ice cream."

I blushed before biting my lip. "He took the LAST scoop! He knew I wanted it. That was evil. Diabolical even!" I exclaimed.

Itsuki snickered, shaking his head. "We'll get you more when we go back to the palace,” he assured me.

"Did you tell Crim she should try and rely on us more?" Haru asked.

"Yes, and she promised. Right, Crimson?" Itsuki stressed.

"Yes..." I mumbled.

Haru grinned and lifted his left arm that rested above my

head on the stack of pillows to move a few strands of my hair. I turned my head to meet his soft smile.

"Good. Don't hesitate to talk to us. Okay , Crim?"

"Understood," I whispered, looking at his lips.

He noticed the direction of my gaze and didn't hesitate, shifting his body so his face hovered above mine. He brushed my lips with his before giving me a deep kiss, making me moan quietly against his lips.

"It's nice to kiss you when I'm not on my deathbed," Haru whispered.