Page 4 of Calming the Storm

He wanted power, and he got it, but in return we received justice and that's what mattered. Once they were all removed and the doors of the room closed, we returned our attention to the Emperor, who shook his head.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you that power is nothing if it's not gained by your own hard work. It takes discipline and determination to rule, whether as a leader of a team or an Emperor like me, who rules a country. Shortcuts will not ensure your success and the truth always comes to light," he lectured. We all nodded in understanding.

"I would like for us to take a break and ask for Yoshimitsu and two other guards to remain while the others leave. The newly elected Council members, please remain as well. As for Crimson, I ask that you rise if it does not hinder your health,” the Emperor commanded.

I took a nervous glance at Aki, who nodded and squeezed my hand in encouragement, before I stood up. "Good morning, Emperor," I greeted, bowing my head in respect.

"It's an honor to meet you, Crimson Jiyuna, daughter of Mosuki and Hotaka. I've heard plenty of good things about you from my son, Yoshimitsu,” the Emperor revealed. I blushed as I hesitantly glanced at Yoshi, whose cheeks turned red as he looked away.

I could feel my Kitsune roll around happily in my head, super

pleased with what had just happened and now because we were the center of attention. It was difficult to not smile and feel just as happy about our situation and this chapter coming to a close.

"I already know about the predicament you faced throughout the last two months. I won't go through such detail until we are physically face-to-face, but you have handled the situation well, and as Emperor, I thank you for all you have done in helping with the Storm Yuna case and assisting my son and his friends. I ask that you to come to the Empire here in the center of Homatomashi so that we can be formally introduced and I can reward you for your actions."

"Thank you, Emperor. No words can express my gratitude," I humbly replied, bowing my head.

"Please go and rest. Also, the two guards who will not participate in the second half of this meeting, please stay with Crimson. Until all former Council members have been investigated and given punishment, I ask the guards of the late Storm Yuna to continue to protect Crimson Jiyuna and that they journey with her to Homatomashi until we determine the next steps,” the Emperor concluded.

"Let us break."


Believe In Me

"Are you sure you aren't mad?"

I continued to hit the red punching bag; the loud sounds of

my swift moments seemed to echo in the training room.

"Not mad," I replied to Malachi, not diverting my eyes from the red, cushioned material, enjoying how my punches made it

swing in the direction I wanted it to.

"You're totally mad," Malachi countered.

I rolled my eyes before I paused in my exercise to look at

him. "What would I possibly be mad about?" I questioned, taking a moment to admire Malachi's bare chiseled chest that was glistening with sweat from our previous running exercises.

"Well...the whole‘we didn't tell you about Yoshi's status’problem," Malachi revealed.

"Ah. That," I replied, nodding my head in agreement.

"Alright. If that punching bag was Yoshimitsu, what would you say?" Malachi suggested.

I glanced over at the punching bag and took a deep breath.

Don't be mad. Don't be mad....don't be...ugh!

A lifted my leg and kicked the punching bag with a pinch of the anger I was trying really hard not to display to Malachi. My attempt of acting like I was fine and wasn't pissed as fuck for being left out of the loop failed when the punching bag caught on fire from the impact of my foot and went flying across the room and into the wall.

"Oops," I said dryly .

Malachi groaned. "Crimson."

I noticed Haru look up from the book he was reading. He turned his head slowly to the burning punching bag.