Page 46 of Calming the Storm

My tails and ears disappeared, and I took a deep breath before letting it out.

"So this was a trap?" I wondered.

"Maybe. Seeing as Malachi killed that lion last week, they could have realized we'd been searching the same spots they had and decided to get rid of us early," Quil replied.

I nodded, and he removed his hands from my cheeks. I put my swords back in their scabbards on my back and looked for Haru.

"Haru?" I called out, realizing he wasn't next to us. Quil lifted an eyebrow, and we both started to search the area.

"Haru?!" Quil yelled.

My Kitsune opened its eyes, and her ears twitched a few times before she got up and dashed to the surface, which caught me off guard. My tails and ears resurfaced, and that was when I picked up on the sound of labored breathing to my left.

"Shit, HARU!" I called out. I darted to my left, following the quick inhales and exhales until I spotted Haru, who was on the ground with a pained expression on his face.

"Haru!" I dropped to my knees, and my gaze landed on where his hands were pressed firmly on his stomach, his white and black shirt stained with a large amount of blood.

"It's...not too bad." Haru struggled as he tried to sit up, but I stopped him, pressing him back down.

"Oh no, you don't. Lay down. QUIL! We need Itsuki!" I shouted desperately.

Quil was at my side in seconds, and his eyes grew wide when he saw Haru's wound. "Shit, Haru, I'm sorry. I didn't take into consideration you were behind us."

Haru shook his head. "Nah, don't worry. It's...not long...Crim...okay,” he panted.

I didn't like how pale he was, or the effort it was taking him to speak and breathe.

"No more talking. Quil, Itsuki!" I urged.

Quil nodded. "I'll be fast,” he promised before darting back to where the house was.

Itsuki wouldn't be too far from the house, but time was of the essence and with how weak Haru was beginning to look, I didn't know if he'd last that long.

"Haru, I'm sorry. Just hang on," I encouraged.

He gave me a weak smile. "It's...fine. I',” he replied, but his eyes were already beginning to close.

"Haru, keep your eyes open. Don’t fall unconscious," I whispered insistently, tears forming in my eyes as fear began to pulse through me.

I slid my arms beneath his head to cradle him in my hold. He continued to smile, but I noticed his trembling lips began to turn purplish, which only let my fear escalate.

"Haru, what do I do? Can I heal you? Please tell me I can. Please!" I begged, moving his silver-gold hair away from his face that was drenched with sweat as his shoulders lifted up and down with each breath.

"It's...gonna be...difficult...Crim. A lot of energy,” he replied.

"I don't give a shit how much energy it takes, Haru! I can't lose you! We...we didn't get to make cupcakes...and you said we'd make ice cream from scratch...and...and we haven't even gotten to know one another. Please! Tell me what I should do!" I cried.

"Crimson." He lifted his eyes to meet my glossy ones, using a hand to wipe away the tear that escaped my left eye.

"Don't cry. Just...concentrate. Think of patch-" He fought to breathe, tears forming in his mismatched eyes.

"Hang on, Haru. I'll try. Just hol-" I began, but he moved his hand that was on my cheek, sliding it into my tied hair and pulling my head down to give me a solid kiss.

He broke the kiss and gave me a wide smile as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I...I've for a while..." he admitted. "If...I don't...make, Crim..."

"No, no, no. Don't give up! I love you too, Haru. Just don't give up. Fight a bit longer. I'll heal you, okay? Just hang on!" I choked out, quickly laying him back down and pressing my hands over the wound. I knew it would be painful, but I was determined to heal him. I couldn't lose Haru. Not now.