Page 44 of Calming the Storm

We'd been directed to an abandoned house and now stood in a large cornfield that looked lifeless.

"I really don't think anything is here, guys," I declared, ensuring my twin blades were securely on my back before I began walking through the tall stalks, which needed a good weeding to remove all the dead sections.

"Why would they be investigating this place, then?" Haru wondered.

"Hmm. Maybe they needed something or someone here?" Quil considered.

"How about I go check the other side of the field? It won't take me long," Malachi suggested, beginning to pull off his shirt.

"Not a bad idea." Quil nodded.

"Be careful, Malachi," I commented, and he smirked.

"I'll be fine, Hottie. The intense heat of the sun is on my side and will burn my enemies to a crisp." He winked, walking over to me to give me a quick kiss.

"Smooth one," Haru mumbled, rolling his eyes with a small grin on his lips.

"I've always been the smooth one," Malachi argued.

"Ya right." Quil laughed.

"Hmph. I'll be back," Malachi announced. He began running forward, and his body was immersed in light.

Then his large purple lion figure came into view, and he dashed off without slowing down.

We watched him disappear into the thicker parts of the field. "Hmm, I’d suggest we take a glimpse of the fields and then head back." I suggested.

"Might as well. Malachi won't take too long, especially in his lion form," Haru pointed out. We all nodded in agreement and began to walk through the fields.

My Kitsune was on guard as she approached the surface, her fur fuzzing up as she started to growl.

I noticed the goosebumps that began to crawl up my arms and frowned, although I continued to walk forward. I'd been training for the last week with the guys, especially with Malachi, Quil, and Itsuki who'd requested some time off from other duties to help me train.

Haru had been assigned to help Yoshi and Aki with a load of meetings and all the investigations going on, but due to his strong healing skills, it was best for us to have him with us, especially since Itsuki was scouting the outer parts of the area and would take longer to reach us.

"Guys...I don't feel good," I confessed suddenly as a sickening feeling ran through me.

My Kitsune was growling loudly at this point, on the verge of taking control. Just then, my foot hit something, forcing me to stop and regain my balance.

"Something's nearby," Quillian announced.

I looked to my left to see him raise his hands slightly, magic circles forming at his fingertips.

"Be on your guard," Haru spoke quietly. I turned my gaze to him and saw a bow appear in his hand, and he readied an arrow for it.

I was ready to pull my swords out but lowered my gaze, my eyes growing wide as I gawked at the dull eyes that stared back at me.

"Shit..." I squeaked, taking a few steps back. Haru and Quil both followed my gaze and cursed at what they saw.

Haru moved to the dead body, quickly scanning him with his eyes before frowning.

"Bullet wounds?" he observed, meeting our gazes and looking between us.

"How? It's hard to get guns here," I pointed out. "Not if they're magically modified," Haru countered.

"But-" I began, but a loud sound broke through the air, causing us to flinch.

Then the sounds of multiple shots being fired echoed through the field.