Page 37 of Calming the Storm

"Arigato, Mizuko. It's thanks to your help I found the third crystal. Rest well," I whispered.

"Woofa!" He licked my face a few times before his body was immersed in blue light, returning to the pocket watch that still rested in my left hand.

I let go of it and observed the pocket watch turn invisible once more. I stood up, looking around the peaceful clearing with a frown.

"Malachi’s still not here. Maybe I should look for him. I should have brought my phone," I mumbled, picking up my shirt and slipping it on. I reached for my pants but froze; my eyes lifted up to see a pair of white ones staring at me from a distance.

I held my breath, immediately remembering the protective spell Quil had shown me during training to summon a shield in case of a direct attack. My stomach dropped when the white-eyed thing took a step into the light, a goldish paw now visible. He took another step, and that's when fear sank into the pit of my stomach, and my body trembled.

The lion before me was huge, its head reaching my chest. I knew right away this wasn't a normal creature, but a familiar based on its eyes alone.

The white orbs reminded me of White Eyes.

Shit , shit , shit!

One move would mean the death of me, but if I stayed where I was, it wouldn't be long before it attacked me anyway.

Malachi...I need you. Where are you? Help!

I knew it was essentially pointless, but it was all I could think about, and I repeated the words over and over in my head.

The lion must have lost its patience, growling loudly as it prepared to move. I ran instead of standing there like a fool.

It roared, and I looked back over my shoulder to see the oversized being in midair. It appeared as if he’d land right on me, and his perfectly white sharp teeth would be able to rip my body to shreds with no difficulty.

I turned around in a swift movement, lifting my hands up.


A pink shield formed in my hands just in time. The lion made a direct hit, which sent me flying over the pond and straight into the trees.

I groaned, attempting to recover from the attack, but saw the lion was already approaching, making me afraid I wouldn't be able to make it out of there.

My thoughts were about to become a reality when the lion darted forward, ready to sink its sharp teeth into my flesh and rip me to pieces.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself when a loud roar rang out through the trees.

My eyes snapped open and looked above me. I saw a large dark purple lion soar through the air, its loud roar echoing through the once serene clearing. It crashed into the familiar, and they began to roll around in a furious scuffle of teeth and claws.

I wanted to help, to do something, but both my Kitsune and I were stunned. The dark purple lion found an opening and bit the white-eyed lion hard in the neck. It struggled in the purple lion's hold, blood spurting as it tried to escape, but the purple lion stood its ground and wouldn’t let up.

It wasn't long before the wounded lion stilled, its white eyes landing on me with a look of rage before they dulled, and the creature went limp.

The purple lion shook his head a few times, making sure the lion in his jaws was dead before he tossed it to the side and growled.

It then turned to look at me, sky blue eyes meeting mine.

The purple lion slowly approached me, and I remained as still as my trembling body could manage.

When he got two feet from me, he sat down, eyeing me carefully.

I continued to stare at him, and with trembling lips, I whispered one word.



My Queen And Relief