Page 29 of Calming the Storm

Yomato laughed as he pulled back, patting my shoulders. "Crimson, feel free to relax. You'll get aches in these shoulders if you stay tense for too long." I blushed while Yoshi grinned.

"I think you forget people don't usually get to see this side of you, Father. Crimson was worried that because of being a new shifter, she wouldn't live up to your expectations," Yoshi revealed.

I gave him a look, which only encouraged a wider grin from him. He didn’t look the least bit concerned about revealing my worries in front of his father, the man who I was so worried about pleasing to begin with.

"Nonsense. New shifter, human, it doesn't matter to me what you are. In this world, we should not judge an individual by their race or physical appearance," Yomato pointed out, looking back at me as he removed his hands from my shoulders. He placed his right hand on his chest, right above his heart.

"What is inside your heart is what matters, Crimson. Many believe power is the key to becoming a successful individual in this world, but it is the quality I care about the least. How compassionate a shifter is, what they picture themselves contributing to Homatomashi, or anywhere around the world for that matter, those are some of the many qualities I look at. Power can be taken away from you, leaving you helpless. Compassion, love, and the desire for peace are the strengths any shifter or human needs in their life to be able to grow, fight, and conquer the evil and hate that taints those who've lost their way."

"Arigato, Yomato. I feel honored and privileged to receive such words of advice and knowledge, especially from you." I bowed my head to show my appreciation.

"My office door is always open to you, Crimson. If you ever need advice or help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. A woman who has the ability to make my son stronger is one I know will do great things, both in his life and for the country he will one day rule," Yomato replied, reaching out to pat Yoshi's shoulder.

Yoshi's cheeks flushed, and it made me smirk at how easily he got embarrassed when receiving praise.

"He always gets embarrassed when you compliment him," I whispered to Yomato, who laughed.

He leaned in to whisper in return, ensuring it was loud enough for Yoshi to hear anyways.

"He's been like that since he could barely walk. I praised him when he took his first steps, and he began to cry like I'd stolen his favorite teddy bear, which he still has in his room by the way."

"Otosan!" Yoshi whined, his face growing even redder, which made Yomato and I laugh.

"How long will you be staying this time, Yoshi?" Yomato asked.

"Unsure. We need to start tracking down the other crystals from Storm's pocket watch as well as figure out what N.R.O. is planning. My instincts are telling me that with everything that's happening, it won't be long till they try to cause a huge wave of panic, which could lead to a rebellion," Yoshi explained.

His explanation made me realize one major thing. I looked back at Yomato and gave him a long head to toe appraisal. He noticed and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I am perfectly well, Crimson,” he reassured.

"But, everyone states you're unwell. Even Yoshi has," I pointed out.

Yomato nodded. "As you may have noticed when you came to this section of the palace, security is extra tight, and the people who serve me are very few. I was indeed sick at one point, but I recovered quickly. However, my temporary decline in health soon made me realize that not everyone who works for me in the palace has pure intentions for myself, my family, or the country," Yomato explained.

He moved back and sat behind his desk, gesturing for us to take a seat as well. Yoshi pulled out a chair for me before sitting in the chair to my left. He reached out and grasped my hand, squeezing it lightly as extra encouragement.

I took a quick glance at him, noticing a hint of worry in his eyes. I gave him a wide smile and squeezed his hand back, wanting him to feel reassured that I wasn't upset with him or anything because of him lying about his father's health. Yoshi didn't keep secrets unless it was for the sake of protecting many people, and after our discussion back in the training room, I understood that.

"Even now, we're still working on a few individuals and catching them in the act so we can deliver justice. It's a long process and a tiring one at that, but it's the most efficient way and can give us evidence to present to the public, which will help maintain their trust. The only problem now is solving this before things spiral out of control outside these walls." Yomato sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

"My people are dying. Women are being raped and abused. Children who do not fit in are cast out while the rich enjoy the luxury of money and spoil their children, teaching them to become disrespectful warriors who worry more about reputation and power than bringing peace."

Yomato looked between Yoshi and me, his eyes settling on me as he continued.

"The reason Storm Yuna was so well known was because she was a female who held immense power but still respected people of all ages and walks of life. Young or old, and it didn't matter if you were rich or poor. We were all equals in her mind, and her mission was to help restore our country to the peaceful one it once was. It's a task that would take years, and Storm had already contributed many years to that goal, making major changes in areas that didn’t have a voice to share what really goes on."

"Is it difficult for those in villages and towns that are in the outskirts and in deep forests that are harder for officials to get to?" I asked.

Yomato nodded. "Very. I try to send my guards sometimes to check in on things, but you know very well that people can mask their behavior the moment they see an official or guard associated with the Empire. Many of my guards have a similar quality to them and can easily give themselves away from their strong build or because of the sheer power that leaks off their aura."

Yoshi sighed. "We're planning to send Quil sooner or later to check a specific village on the west side. Our concern in that village is that there has been an increase in recent human deaths. The human shifter population is rather evenly split in some areas, but not many humans live in the villages or those remote parts, which in return results in them being picked on or even outcast."

I frowned, glancing away to hide the anger I felt hearing the news. I knew firsthand the aftereffects of being considered an outcast by the people who were supposed to support and help you grow as an individual.

The laughter, teasing, and immense negativity, were enough that only a few could survive the cruelty such a lifestyle can entail, myself included.

"Crimson," Yoshi whispered, squeezing my hand comfortingly.