Page 19 of Calming the Storm

“Nani...” I mumbled quietly, trying to ignore the fear I felt.


“A little. I’m nervous I may see something I’m afraid of. Like...I don’t know. It’s hard to explain,” I confessed.

“It’s nothing you should be afraid of, or I would have said so. I promise you,” Aki whispered reassuringly, pressing his forehead against mine. “You’re just ten times more attractive to me in this form,” he admitted. I noticed a slight glow in his green eyes as he spoke.

“Form?” My voice was barely a whisper, but I felt my Kitsune’s excitement. She clearly loved the little compliment and was anxiously waiting for me to look at my back for some reason.

“Yes. Just look, I promise you won’t be disappointed,” he reassured me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded, slowly turning my head. I gasped at the sight of multiple tails swaying behind me.

They looked almost exactly like Aki’s but had an interesting pink glow to them that contrasted with the pure white fur which took up 75% of the length of the many tails. Only 25% at the ends of my tails were a neon pink with little silver symbols on them that glowed on and off.

I removed one of my hands from Aki’s chest to reach up to the top of my head, but he stopped me, wrapping his hand gently around my wrist.

I faced him with a confused look and stared at his amused expression.

“Why did you stop me?” I asked.

“Ears are sensitive, remember? I don’t think it’s wise if you touch them while we’re in this position,” he suggested.

“Will it turn me on?” I asked.

“Yes. Though I’m up for a few more rounds if you are.” He smirked.

I groaned. “Do all Kitsune shifters have this much stamina?” I asked.

“Yes, and we love sex,” he stated with a grin. “Are you tired?”

“ that you mention it...not anymore. I was before, but it was more like a winded exhaustion, which I’m over now. If you touch them, would it have the same sensitive effect?”

“Yup. But let’s relax for a bit and then we can test it out.”

“Okay,” I agreed. Aki helped lift me up, his cock sliding out of me as he did so. I moaned quietly, the friction of his removal sending goosebumps down my arms.

“Are we this sensitive to touch and movement?” I asked, trying to understand why I felt warm even after having amazing sex.

“It’s because this is your first time half shifting. Your body is trying to adapt to the change and your newly heightened senses. It’s normal, as is your desire to be in control and the possessive- ness that comes out when you don’t fight your Kitsune’s urges,” Aki explained.

He laid down on his back, and I curiously looked at his tails, which were all resting on the side.

Turning once more, I counted each of mine. “Nine tails...” I trailed off in amazement and a little fear.

“Crimson, talk to me,” Aki whispered.

I slowly turned back to look at him, biting my lip as I blinked my eyes.

“It’s just...” I trailed off, needing a moment to gather my thoughts.

“Come lay next to me, Crimson,” he encouraged.

I studied his position again. “Isn’t laying on your back... painful?” I asked. I was worried to lay on my back or even my side, thinking I’d squish my tails and that it would bring forth a lot of pain.

“No, but it takes a while to get used to it. Come lay on my chest. Once your body adjusts, you should be fine,” Aki acknowledged. I nodded and crawled forward to rest my body on his chest.

I let my head lay on his chest, and his arm wrapped around my waist. Now that I’d acknowledged my tails, I could feel them moving side to side. Aki’s tails moved and wrapped around my ass.