Page 16 of Calming the Storm

“You two are so loud.” Haru rolled his eyes.

Itsuki smirked, leaning in to whisper into Haru’s ear. He still intentionally spoke loud enough for us to hear.

“Again, he’s just helping pile on the evidence needed to get Hotaka to slice his cock off. Maybe if it's long enough, he’ll cut it in parts.”

Aki, Yoshi, and Quil burst into laughter while Malachi pouted his lips.

“First my cornrows, now my precious cock. What’s next? My mane?” he whined.

“You don’t have a beard so stop being dramatic,” Quil replied, coming over to where we sat.

He patted Malachi on the shoulder.

“I think we’ve delayed enough for one last gift,” Aki announced with a wide grin.

I blinked, sitting up in confusion.

“Another one? I don’t need anything else, I really don’t,” I insisted, lifting my hands in a defensive position and waving them anxiously. “You guys have already spoiled me more than enough.”

“Ah, but you’re missing a present from ME!”

My eyes grew wide, and I turned my head to see Hakua in the hall holding a platter of some type of dessert.

“H...Hakua?!” I choked, and her expression softened.

“Did you really think I’d miss your birthday celebration after we were forced apart by that bastard of a man? Not at all! I had to hide in your room for hours, jeez! At least I had my phone to play sudoku,” she admitted before walking forward. She came over to where the guys stood and lowered the dessert to the table.

It was decorated with pink and gold candles that were lit. The top had white frosting and was littered in pink and gold petals in the shape of cherry blossoms. The bottom half of the dessert shifted to pink and had gold flowers around the base.

The candles were arranged into two circles, and in the middle read ‘Happy 23rd Birthday, Crimson Jiyuna’in light pink icing.

“You guys...” I whispered, unsure how to ask them what this was, but somehow knew it was special.

Since this was the first time I’d celebrated my birthday, I’d never enjoyed such western desserts. I had seen them before sometimes in the bakeries, but never inquired what they were because I felt one would buy them when they celebrated something, and I didn’t necessarily have anyone to celebrate with but myself.

Celebrating my birthday alone in my house was already lonely enough. I could only imagine eating sweets and bawling my eyes out because I was sad to be spending another year feeling the way I did.

Hakua nodded in understanding before she spoke.

“This is a special cake I got that was made in Homatomashi. It’s from the top bakery in the country, and I wanted my best friend to have the best for her 23rd birthday and unsealing of powers celebration. The guys, your parents, and I wanted something that was simple but still celebrated you and your newly obtained powers,” she explained.

My parents returned to where the guys stood, hand in hand with prideful grins on their faces.

“I know we never really celebrated with cake or decorations, so we asked your men to help us make this a good first experience,” Mother stated.

They all crowded around the cake, with Malachi and Aki moving off the couch to join them, leaving me sitting alone on the sofa with Urufu at my feet.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Crimson. Happy birthday to youuuuuu.” They cheered and clapped.

I laughed with happiness, and Hakua walked over to whisper in my ear.

“Make a wish and blow out the candles,” she explained. I nodded and closed my eyes, making my wish. Then I opened them and leaned forward to blow out all 23 candles.

“Best birthday ever,” I whispered, and everyone smiled and nodded in agreement.

I watched Hakua and the others help get plates, and I looked down to Urufu who looked just as happy as I felt. Her pink eyes twinkled with her joy, and she rubbed her head against my leg.

I reached down to pet her and took a moment to stare at the wonderful people in my living room. Nine weeks ago, I was a human who had no friends, with a boyfriend who couldn’t care less about me unless we were in the sheets, and a family who hated me for what I was.