Page 14 of Calming the Storm

There were ten charms in total. Each charm on the pure silver bracelet had a significant meaning attached to it. I realized the entire piece seemed to have some type of magic.

"Guys...this...this is so beautiful," I whispered, unsure how to adequately describe the lovely bracelet. It was absolutely stunning, and I struggled to find the right words to describe such beauty.

There was a pink rose with silver trimming around the edges of the petals, a red car outlined with silver that even had black tinted windows, a girl in a pink and gold kimono, a turquoise cupcake that had hints of pink with silver decorating the frosting, a silver key, and a silver crown with super tiny rhinestones.

I looked at the other four charms that I’d never seen before, trying to figure out where each came from. One was of two swords, one pink and the other gold, crossing each other.

The charm had silver outlining that added detail. The second one was a Kitsune. That charm was silver, and the addition of a few rubies helped add detailing to the tails and eyes.

The third one seemed like a circular pendant, but on closer inspection, I saw it was a replica of Storm Yuna's pocket watch, with super tiny jewels that matched the previous placement of the crystals.

The final charm made me smirk, and Urufu got up and jumped onto my lap as if she knew I was looking at her charm and she wanted to get my acknowledgment.

"Uru, this is your charm isn't it?" I asked, and she cuddled right next to me.


"I guess you can tell which charm is which?" Akihiro asked.

He lifted his hand to reach out and move a few strands of my hair out of my face, tucking them behind my ear.

I turned my head to grin at him and nodded. "I think so." I looked back down to the bracelet.

"The pink rose reminds me of cherry blossoms and since I love those, that represents me. The red car reminds me of Quil, since you told me once that you were interested in vehicles in America and wanted to do some business associated with cars. The girl wearing a pink and gold kimono makes me think of Itsuki because you appreciate our cultural clothing and secretly have a picture of me in the kimono I wore a few weeks ago for the festival after you bribed Yoshi," I explained.

Itsuki coughed, and Malachi raised an eyebrow at him.

"Bribery, really? And where’s this picture? I want a copy."

"I worked for that picture so get your own. And Crim, how do you know about that?" Itsuki blushed.

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it." I giggled before continuing.

"The turquoise and pink cupcake is Haru because you love baking sweets and we had fun making pink and blue cupcakes. I know the key is Malachi because he'd say something cheesy like 'I'm the key to your heart' or something close to that,” I suggested.

Quil laughed. “That’s exactly what he said.”

“Because it's true, Quillian,” Malachi declared proudly.

Haru smiled. “We should bake cupcakes again, Crimson.”

Even though his smile was genuine, I sensed a hint of mischief in his words. It made me wonder if his comment held a hidden meaning filled with cupcake frosting and the bedroom.

“I agree,” I replied and returned my gaze to the remaining charms.

“Yoshi is represented by the crown because one day he’ll be Emperor, and Aki is the Kitsune. The swords I’m assuming represent my parents for presenting me my twin blades. The pocket watch represents Storm Yuna and the key item that united us. Finally, the wolf charm represents Urufu,” I concluded.

“WOOF!” Urufu cheered.

“Correct,” Yoshi confirmed. “I guess you probably remember that Storm’s pocket watch has charms similar to these. We gave them to her as confirmation of our love and so that she had a little reminder of each of us. We decided that if we’re going to be serious in this relationship, we have to prove that. After everything we’ve experienced in the last nine weeks, we’ve all come to terms with what we want, as well as our feelings for you, Crimson Jiyuna. Some of us may be more confident than others, but I think with time, our relationships will build and inevitably grow stronger. We love you and hope you still want to date us. We got your parents’ formal approval, and Urufu seems to like us.”

The other guys got up and lined up where Yoshi stood. They all bowed their heads in respect to me.

“We won’t act like there won’t be any challenges, but we’ve been able to survive some major blows, and we’re still all here, together,” Aki commented.

“We respect if you don’t want to be with us anymore for whatever reason,” Haru continued.

“But we hope we can continue to stand by your side, both as your guards and as your partners in this relationship,” Malachi added.