Page 84 of Calming the Storm

" love me, right?" Haru asked.

I gazed into those vulnerable mismatched eyes and smiled.

"Of course I do. Why would you think otherwise?" I asked, giving him a hurt look.

"It's not that...just...never mind. I'm just being silly,” he mumbled.

"Haru. I love you, just as I love the others. I'd have it no other way." I gave him a wide smile. I gripped onto his orange t-shirt and leaned up to kiss him again. He moaned quietly into my mouth and within seconds had me pinned to the door and was slipping his tongue between my lips.

I groaned, hoping the fake sound would quiet any suspicions he had of me. He pulled away when we were both out of breath and he blushed.


"You didn't do anything wrong, silly. You should be more daring like that. It’s a big turn on," I whispered in his ear, giggling when his face turned bright red.

"I'm going back. The others and I are going to prepare for the peace movement meeting with the Council. We’ll prepare everything, so when you return everything will be set for the signing of the peace contract."

"Excellent. Arigato, Haru. I'! see you soon, and don't worry." I slid my arms around his neck and leaned in to whisper into his ear. "When I come back, let's have some alone time. Just us." I used my teeth to tug his earlobe gently, something I knew he enjoyed.

He shivered, closing his eyes slightly and nodding.


"Daisuki," I whispered.

"I love you too, Storm. Be safe. I’ll see you when you come back," Haru said, hugging me tightly. He pulled back and kissed me one more time before letting me go.

I waved goodbye and watched him walk down the hall. He turned and gave me a final wave before stepping into the elevator.

The doors came to a close with a ding a moment later.

I frowned, needing a moment to try and ward off an oncoming headache.

This is getting risky.

I turned back to my door, pulling out the card key and pressing it against the entrance pad. The click of the door made me smile and I quickly slipped inside, shutting it behind me.

Closing my eyes, I activated the soundproof spell, ensuring no would hear our conversation or the activities I knew would follow.

"That one is SOOO clingy."

I grinned, looking over my shoulder to see my love.

"Evening, Erica." She got up from the sofa, wearing only a red lingerie set, which complemented her gorgeous slim build.

She made her way over to me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

"I missed you,” she whispered. "Me too. I'm so sorry. That assignment took longer than I expected. I couldn't leave right away due to those men having their issues. I had to keep up with my role." I sighed dramatically.

"C'mon, let me give you a massage?" Erica suggested. "You've had a hard two weeks. It's about time someone pampered you."

"H ow about we do something more exciting?" I purred.

She pulled back to meet my gaze.

"Whips and handcuffs?"

"Anything you want. You've been patient and deserve a little reward." I hummed.