Page 74 of Calming the Storm

"There you are! Ugh! My ass looked everywhere for you, AND I BROKE A NAIL! Look at what searching for you made me do! If I can't get to my appointment in time, I'm gonna cry and make Yoshimitsu pay for it!" Erica whined.

"Sorry, I wasn't feeling good, so I took a break. Any luck on your end?"

"Nope. I thought I felt something following us earlier, but it's gone now. Must have been an animal or something." She sighed, ruffling her short locks.

"Where's the guard?" I asked.

"Who knows? His ass disappeared when we split to search the clearing. Probably went to take a piss." She shrugged.

"Well, we should go back. The three hours are almost up," I pointed out, pulling out my phone. I noticed a text from Quil and opened it up to read it.


"Come back ASAP. Haru's getting weird vibes."

"What's wrong?" Erica asked.

"Quil wants us to come back," I announced, not mentioning Haru's weird vibes.

"Hmm." She pulled out her phone and frowned. "That's weird. My guard messaged me. He also said we need to return now...but, where'd the signal go?"

"Huh?" I looked at the bar on my phone, realizing there was no signal available.

"This isn't looking good," I mumbled.

"Let's just go back. We remember the route. The guards can find where the other guy wen-"


We dropped to the ground, which shook from the explosion. Our eyes darted to our left where we saw a plume of smoke rising into the air.

"Bombs!" Erica screamed.

She grabbed my hand, and we dashed the opposite way just as a second bomb went off that sounded much closer.

"Bombs?! Why the fuck are there bombs here?!" I shouted. It was hard enough to get fireworks smuggled into Homatomashi, let alone any type of explosives.

Explosion after explosion went off, and I let Erica guide me as my Kitsune burst to the surface. That helped me keep up with Erica, who I noticed had stripes on her arms, with some areas having orange fur that reminded me of a tiger.

We raced against the bombs that kept going off, sounding closer each time, until one went off right next to us, the impact sending both of us flying. We screamed, crashing into some trees before hitting the ground.

Shit ...ow!

"Ugh, fucking shit! What idiot places bombs everywhere?" I groaned, rolling to my side before scrambling to my feet.

I felt wobbly and noticed cuts and bruises on my legs, which made me roll my eyes.

"Wear a kimono, he said. You'll have more agility, my ass," I complained.

I looked around to see where Erica had landed.


"I'm fine...but fucking broke another nail!" she shouted back, and I had to force myself not to roll my eyes yet again.

I should have a damn counter for how many times she says ‘nail.’

I walked towards the sound of her voice. "I'm coming, hang on," I reassured her, finding the clump of trees that had fallen as a result of us crashing into them. I knew she was under there because her kimono stuck out and I could see a shoe poking out from beneath the patch of broken branches.