Page 62 of Calming the Storm

"Ah. We used to have a good mix of both,” the maid replied, looking around quickly to see if anyone else was around. When she felt the coast was clear, she continued, her voice very low. "However, as of late, there's been a real decline in human guests.

We generally made more money with human tourists, but since so many human corpses have been discovered, we’ve discouraged any humans from showing up until the problem is solved. Our CEO has been made aware of the situation, but it's as if he can't locate the group that's doing these crimes. We're waiting upon the Emperor to send his guards to assist. It's really damaging our business and making it rather difficult for us to get enough hours,” she disclosed.

She smiled at both of us, looking a little sympathetic.

"My apologies for talking about such depressing things during your vacation. You two just seem like foreigners of high class, so I thought maybe you'd be able to contact the Emperor and inform him of the problem. It seems our efforts are only leading to dead ends." The maid sighed.

"No worries. We do know someone who could send the message to the Emperor. After our stay, we'll forward the message over," I reassured her, giving her a confident smile.

"Arigato! The staff and I would greatly appreciate it. It's hard to get jobs in these parts, so if this place ends up having to close down, it will be very difficult for us." She bowed her head over and over again.

"I can imagine," Quil replied, looking around.

We reached the circular portal that seemed like just a stone platform. We walked up the stairs to it and faced the large panel, which had a card slot.

"Press your card key in that slot, and it will teleport you to your paradise. Please feel free to take today off. Tomorrow, you're scheduled for many fun activities including the tour of the glowing waterfall,” the maid informed us.

"Arigato," I replied, and she bowed.

"Thank you! Please enjoy your stay, and if you need anything, buzz for a server," she explained.

We nodded and bid her farewell. Then Quillian placed the card key into the slot and slipped his hand in mine.

We watched as different colored magic circles formed around us, and our surroundings swiftly changed. When the magic circles disappeared, we were in a completely different section of the resort, but it was absolutely stunning.

The flowers, the buzz of nature, even the sky looked vibrant as the sun's warm rays shone down on us. We looked behind us and spotted a two-story cabin, which made me gasp in adoration.

"Wow..." I whispered.

Quil nodded. "This place is unreal.”

We both headed inside the cabin and slipped our shoes off. I noticed our bags were neatly set in the corner of the room.

"We have this whole place to ourselves?" I beamed at Quillian, who smirked.

He slipped his arms around my waist, and we swayed from side to side.

"Yes. This whole spot, just for you and me."

"I know this is technically work, but I'm excited." I hummed.

"Me too,” he replied before kissing me. "Let's change and get

this investigation over with so we can have some private time."

"Agreed." I nodded.

* * *

"May this talisman protect and strengthen your powers while chaining any excess essence that may trouble you or place you in harm's way. Such essence cannot harm you, only communicate with you in time of need or desperation. I place this form of protection on thy ankle, which should only be removed when you must release such troubled magic to where it belongs in the sky above."

The old woman nodded her head three times before placing the talisman on my ankle, sealing the spell.

"Arigato Gozaimashita, Great One," I whispered.

She peered up at me from her stool and smiled.

"You are blessed with great power, my child. I'm glad you came to me when you did. The competing magic inside you is displeased with your growing strength."