I crouched down, pulling my twin swords out of their scab- bards. I didn't fight my Kitsune when she broke to the surface. It was the first time she'd have control during battle with me being in half Kitsune form, but thanks to the training I'd been having with the guys, I felt a lot more confident than I did even a week ago.
I dashed forward, feeling my tails fuzz up and my ears twitch, knowing exactly where the shots were coming from.
I noticed Quil not too far behind me, his body low as he ran to back me up.
My eyes landed on the first masked man, one of three that I could hear breathing rapidly even through the gunfire. Before he registered my presence, my swords were already slicing through his torso, cutting smoothly through him like he was nothing more substantial than a piece of paper.
I skidded to a stop and dropped to the ground to avoid any incoming shots as I checked to make sure the shifter was dead. Both halves of him twitched and convulsed for a good thirty seconds before they stilled.
I had to take a calming breath, still not used to killing.
I don't think any normal person could get used to taking a life, but I knew since it was a form of self-defense, I shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
Quil walked up to me and pressed his hand on my shoulder.
"Just keep calm and don't worry about it,” he instructed. I nodded, and we focused on the next target, who must have noticed his partner had gone missing because he turned his gun in our direction. Quil snapped his fingers, creating a shield to block the bullets from hitting us as we readied to move forward for the second kill. A sudden onslaught of arrows rained down on the second shifter. He cried out as the sharp gold and green arrows stabbed him in multiple places, causing him to drop to the ground.
Quil and I exchanged glances before we both darted forward, needing to check and make sure he was dead.
I heard approaching footsteps, but my senses weren't freaked out about the incoming shifter, who soon revealed himself to be Haru.
"I can't reach the last shifter. He has a barrier around him to guard against long-distance attacks," Haru exclaimed between pants.
Quil nodded. "We need to get up close."
"Can you shield me, Quil?" I asked.
He nodded. "I got you."
I didn't delay, dashing forward, but keeping myself low as I prepared my swords for the next attack. My speed increased, and I felt my power begin to build, running down my arms and to the dual swords that started to glow a light pink.
I reached the third shifter in less than ten seconds. He looked stunned, shooting as many bullets as he could in my direction, but they either passed me or bounced off the shield Quil was keeping intact. I raised my swords and the guy cursed, quickly dropping his gun and shifting into a large wolf.
He jumped towards me in an attempt to take me down, but I was faster, raising my swords up and pressing them together. I dropped to the ground right before the wolf could hit me. Instead, he flew right into my raised swords, getting sliced in half in the process.
Blood rained down on me as the body parts fell to the ground. I caught my breath, listening carefully to see if there was anyone else nearby.
When I didn't sense anything, I rose back up and looked at my appearance, biting my lip in distaste at the sight of all the blood that stained my fur and clothes.
Quil was at my side in seconds.
"You okay?" he asked, breathing hard as his now red eyes scanned the area around me.
"Ya. I'm just really not liking being drenched in blood. It's kind of annoying me," I confessed.
My Kitsune was just as irritated, rolling around as if that would help remove the blood.
"Here, I'll help," Quil offered, pressing his hands to my cheeks and closing his eyes. I felt the magic leave his hands, which grew comfortably warm, and a ribbon of water wrapped around me. I wasn't afraid, keeping my eyes open as I watched it move around my body from head to toe, taking the droplets of blood with it. It even worked to remove the dark liquid from my clothes.
"Wow," I exclaimed, looking at Quil who opened his eyes and smiled.
"Aki can't stand blood on his fur. I think it's a Kitsune thing,” he revealed.
"Maybe," I considered.
My Kitsune retreated, curling up in her spot, content now that we were blood free.