Page 36 of Calming the Storm

I guess I should just ask him to tell me his name.

"Do you have a name you want to be called by?" I asked, opening my eyes to look down at him.

He stood up and began panting happily, wagging his tail rapidly from side to side.

"That's a yes, then. What would you like?" I inquired. A name came to my mind almost immediately, and I nodded in approval.

"Mizuko, or Mizu for short? Is that right?"

"WOOFA!" he replied happily, beginning to jump up and down, which made me giggle.

"Alright, Mizuko, that’s your name. You'll get along with Urufu nicely." I hummed, kneeling down to pet him. "Let's try to find the next one."

"Woofa!" he agreed eagerly.

I nodded and stood back up before approaching the pool of water. I took a deep breath before diving right in.

The water was welcoming as I glided downward, swimming through its slightly cool depths.

I heard a splash and looked to my right to see Mizuko had followed, swimming down to where I was. I gave him a confused look, but he seemed perfectly fine breathing underwater.

I decided not to delay any longer, beginning to swim deeper. I was impressed by how deep the little pool of water actually was. From the surface, it looked like you'd reach the bottom within a few strokes, but I was clearly proven wrong.

I flinched at the sudden warmth of the watch against my chest and Mizuko dived deeper until his paws landed on the almost invisible ground below.

It was nearly pitch black, with only a few glowing fish here and there to add some form of light.

I noticed a little gold twinkle over by where Mizuko stood. I grinned, quickly moving to where his left front paw was. I used my hand to brush the lump of the weird textured ground which felt like sand and felt the smooth surface of what I assumed was the crystal.


I retrieved the gold crystal quickly, deciding it would be better for all of us to appreciate its beauty once we were back on solid ground.

I swiftly patted Mizuko on the head, wanting to give him a bit of praise as encouragement before we both made our way back up to the surface.

I gasped for air, taking in a deep breath. Then I swam to the edge of the pool, got out, and walked back to the bench that held my clothes. Peering over my shoulder, my eyes landed on Mizuko who fluffed up his fur as he began to shake the water off. I looked down at the weird gel covering my skin and watched it slowly dissipate, leaving me dry .

"Totally cool," I whispered before returning my attention to the gold crystal in my hand. I didn't put my clothes on yet. Instead, I sat back down and took a moment to look at the jewel. I lifted my hand above it, closing my eyes.

"Be pure," I whispered, imagining a tiny ball of water surrounding the yellow crystal and cleaning off the dirt residue.

I felt the flow of power at my fingertips and opened my eyes to see the jewel floating in a little ball of water in my hand. Once the jewel was clean, I reached out my hand and the bubble burst, the water falling to the ground.

Mizuko walked over to me and sat at my feet while I took a closer look at the now vibrant jewel. Lifting the pocket watch with my free hand, I inhaled deeply, needing a moment to calm my racing heart. I was nervous, scared, and really happy to have found the third crystal.

I placed it in its designated socket and watched in awe as it began to glow. Then a bright yellow flame burst out from it and hovered over me.

It spread its wings but said nothing as it stared directly into my wide eyes.

"Welcome home," I whispered.

It nodded its head and just like that, returned into the watch. I sighed in relief, looking at the watch that now had three crystals, each of them glowing slightly as if welcoming the third crystal home.

"Woofa." Mizuko rubbed my leg, and I noticed his body begin to glow.

"Are you returning back?" I asked.

"Woofa!" he replied. I nodded, giving him a quick rub and a scratch behind his ears before I leaned down to touch his nose with mine.