Page 103 of Calming the Storm

"A bit better today. How's Hottie McHot holding up from his cold?" I asked.

"A cold can't take my sizzling ass down. I'm invincible."

"Invincible my ass." Quil rolled his eyes.

Haru grinned, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "His sizzling ass almost passed out at the edge of the flight of stairs."

I gawked at him, and Malachi blushed. "I was sleepwalking dammit!"

"You don't sleepwalk unless your ass is sick," Itsuki stated with a sigh.

"Just admit your ass was sick so we can all move on." Yoshi grinned.

"Poor guy won't quit," Aki added.

"Haters! Fucking haters, ALL OF YOU. Not you Crimson. Don't make me look bad, jeez." Malachi huffed, and I snickered, bursting into laughter.

They all looked at me like I'd lost it, even Urufu lifted her head from my lap to stare at me.

"Sorry. Just, I've missed these conversations, that's all." I giggled.

"We missed you too, Crimson," Malachi whispered with a smile.

I looked around at the others and gave them a small smile.

"Why don't we talk about the documents Yoshi found?”

“What's the big deal about them?" I asked, looking at Yoshi who nodded.

He walked over to the coffee table that had a black folder on it. He pulled a specific piece of paper from it, the characters not resembling English or Japanese.

"This document specifically is the problem. It's a contract or official document of some sort, but we think it's magically sealed," Yoshi revealed.

"What does magically sealed mean?" I asked.

Itsuki looked to me. "It's when only the person or company who created the document and the individual or individuals who signed the document can read it," Itsuki explained.

"It basically hides the identity of all parties involved," Quil added.

"This was in Erica's things?" I asked.

"Yes," Yoshi replied.

"So she signed a contract with someone or a company and put a magical seal on it, or that's what we've assumed. Correct?" Malachi summarized.

"Essentially. The characters are in Yamato Kotoba, but Father and I both tried reading it and failed," Yoshi admitted.

Haru nodded in understanding. "You want to see if Crim can read it to ensure it's really magically sealed or not."

"Exactly. At least then we'll have to hire someone who can break the spell down to reveal the information," Yoshi confirmed.

"Easy enough," I replied, reaching out for the document. Yoshi walked over and gave it to me, and I stared at it with curiosity.

"Was Erica connected with N.R.O?" I heard Malachi ask.

"She was a double agent," Aki replied.

"Why did she have info regarding Storm though? I heard your Father talking about it when we left the meeting," Quil questioned.