“Let's not talk about any of this.” Sebastian gestures at his body. “For the rest of the night. Let’s just talk about this baby. About me being a daddy. About you being a hot Momma.” He growls and kisses me passionately.

I squeeze his back and he squeaks. “The ribs?” I ask. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Sebastian backs up a bit. “I probably should’ve expected that.”

We head back to the couch, and Sebastian puts the ice back back on his face. “Should we go to the hospital or something for your ribs?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Nah, these ain’t broken. A bit of bruising, I’ll have to put up with it for a week or so.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve broken ribs before,” he says. “They hurt a lot more.”

We cuddle up, and Sebastian leans over to grab his tablet. He pushes some letters and junk out of the way and strains as he returns. There’s still broken glass all over the floor, but we keep our feet off the ground. “Let’s get something to eat, huh? Something for three.”

“That’s a myth, you know?” I say. “The whole eating for two thing...”

“You? I was getting double for myself. I've just been in a fight…”

We laugh and giggle like kids again. We pass the night talking and talking some more. We’ve just clicked. It feels like when we were kids again. There was never any friction between Sebastian and I. I guess maybe that was because he’d never seen me as anything other than Carlos’ little sister, but then, maybe that was for the best. We became friends first, then lovers.

By the time the food comes and we eat, we’ve picked up the glass and covered up Carlos’ hole in the wall. I’m famished and eat as much as I can. We’ve ordered burgers, and I end up taking half of Sebastian’s too. We go to bed full, content, but most importantly, in love and happy.

We wake up like that too, until Sebastian gets the call.

“Luca,” he says. “Good morning.”

His muffled voice is unintelligible against Sebastaan’s head, but from the tone, and the way his face completely drops and darkens. I can tell it’s not good news.

More than that, I can tell it has my brother’s name written all over it.

Sebastian nods and informs Luca that he’s on his way. After he hangs up and turns to me, he sucks air through his teeth.

“What is it?” I ask, the dread rising into knots in my belly.

“Carlos has disappeared,” he says, pulling a tee shirt on. “Along with a van full of drugs.”

Chapter 19


It’s been three days since Carlos disappeared, and I’ve been working myself non-stop. Luca, I should correct myself, has had me working non-stop. Carlos was my friend after all. And it is my friend who has made off with over three hundred K in goods and disappeared. We haven't heard anything from anywhere or anyone. We’ve got all our ears open and are even talking with other families. If anyone hears even a mouse fart, Luca is going to know.

Which means my meeting today isn't a good one.

I grind to a stop on the gravel driveway and get out of the car. I look back down at the entrance again. It was Rocko who let me in. Rocko, who had been on duty with Sophie all those years ago when she escaped and began dating Luca. Rocko,who wasn’t even working for Luca when she slipped past him. Luca was still keeping him as a guard because of Tommy’s wishes. If he’s still playing guard after all these years, what the hell is gonna happen to me?

The world feels like it's trying to burn me before I get inside. The sun is boiling today, more than that, it’s just been raining for the last hour, and the humidity is unbearable. It’s like I’m in a sauna, the fact that I have to wear the damn blazer is making me perspire even more.

The house is cool when I enter from the side door, and I hear the faint sound of Michael and Sophie playing. They’re giggling away and singing together. It brings a faint smile to my face as I walk through the house thinking of my fate.

I eventually come to Luca's study and knock once. He calls for me to enter.

The room is dark and hot. Almost as humid as it is outside. I can’t see Luca in the shadows behind his desk, but I know he’s there.

“Sit down, Sebastian,” he says coolly.

I’m sweating, and sitting down in a leather seat is the last thing I want to do, but I do it because he’s the boss. He’s in charge, and the friend I vouched for has backstabbedme. My body is wound like a compressed spring. I’m ready to jump out of my skin and flee my body.