“Relax, big man. Luca ain’t pissed.”

I smile, but inside I suddenly feel like worms have replaced my organs. Have I pissed Luca off? Is this why he sent Carlos? While Sophie had sent us away on some little love trip, I’d fucked my reputation with him. But even then, I think of the crash and Carlos…

Do I ask him outright about the Russians? In front of his sister?

I look back at Mimi in the side mirrors, she’s behind me with the window down and air blowing through her hair. The rain has let up, and the humidity is cooling at such speed.

“Sounds like the crash was bad, though?”

“It was so scary,” Mimi says, coming back from her own world. “The assholes just pulled out in front of us.”

Carlos is shaking his head in awe. “Some people, huh?”

I’m watching him, more paranoid than ever, does he know? Does he know that it’s his connections that caused the crash? If someone has said they’re waiting, then surely they’ve contacted him before too?

“It was pretty scary,” I say. “Even more intense was that I think I spotted them down the road at the roadhouse a day later.”

“You key their car?” Carlos asks, smirking.

“Nah, they didn’t look like the type that'd take well to it.”

“OldSeb would’ve.” Carlos chuckles and changes lanes. “Old Seb would’ve keyed ‘em no matter what.”

“Well, they didn’t look the type,” I say, a little too hotly.

Carlos just smiles and puts his hands up. “Whoa. Ha ha, okay. Got it. Man, you are tired.”

We get towards Miami proper, and we agree to drop Mimi off at her own place. She’s got work that afternoon and she waves goodbye, lingering slightly for me. At least I hope.

Carlos and I head back towards my apartment, we talk about the family the whole way, and he fills me in on who he’s met and is working with. He’s at the warehouse, but instead of shoveling shit, Luca has him doing security and shipments. The same stuff I do. A part of me is frustrated that he got to jump the cue, then again, he had no affiliation with an old enemy. Guess it’s my turn to be the bitter one. Made worse because I can’t be with Mimi…

He drops me off and says I've got the day off. He went shopping the night before, so there’s food in the fridge and plenty to drink. The man is grateful for my hospitality. He leaves me at the doorstep and takes my car for work. He leaves grinning from ear to ear.

It makes me feel all the worse for going around behind his back with his sister. I feel like such a traitor.

But then I think of Mimi. I think of our time together, and more than that, I think of all the mind blowing sex.

I head inside and recline on the couch. I don’t even know when but I fall asleep and next thing I know a knock at the door is waking me up. It must be Old Miss Batterson up on the third floor, probably needs her water pipe unclogged.

But when I open it, it’s Mimi, she’s standing there in the tightest dress I’ve ever seen. It accentuateseverything.

“I’ve still got time before work.”

I don’t even hesitate in pulling her inside, and we flee to my room.


Over the next few weeks, my conflict grows at the same rate as my love for Mimi does. I spend my mornings and days hanging out with Carlos, unless I’ve got a day off, then I go to Mimi’s. Otherwise, every day is the same, as is every night. I head out for some family errand or some other reason and secretly meet Mimi.

We laugh and talk. We shop and dine out at restaurants. We have secret breakfasts and text each other constantly. Carlos thinks I’ve just got a string of women on the end of my finger and often jokes about it. I play along, because, for once, it grants me privacy from his wandering eyes.

And I grant him his privacy back.

I end up dropping the whole Russian thing. His mood has changed now that he’s working for Luca, and he doesn’t seem so secretive. He still hasn’t told me what went wrong up north other than a breakup, but I sense it’s a tender wound. It still gnaws at him, and when he thinks I’m not looking, I see the stress still there. But all in all, he is happy.

We’re all happy.

Happy with our secrets.