I hear a crack and draw the pistol from my waist band. I’m pointing at shadows and seeing nothing. My heart hammers, and I feel my body tingling with adrenaline. I’m ready to finally end this!

But nothing happens.

Then the crack sounds again.

It’s nothing though; I finally see what‘s causing it. There's a cat down the end, playing with a tin can that’s fallen out of the bin.

I holster the gun back in my waistband, thinking myself a great idiot. Maybe I should put the gun away? Maybe I should sleep out in the van just in case. Who knows what those guys will do? Do they think Carlos is with me? Do they think we're hiding Carlos? Or think that somehow Mimi is involved? Do they know she’s his sister?

This is literally all I’ve thought about all afternoon. I think I hurt Mimi’s feelings by how much I retracted this afternoon after our lunch. I know how difficult it would’ve been for her to open up like that. I’ve barely heard the full story from Carlos, and I’ve spent more time with him than anyone else on the planet. And he’s barely spoken of it. The most I got from him was that one time he went back to the city they’d come from. He went all the way back when he was eighteen and had a look at his old man. He wanted to know what he was like or if he had a new family he was terrifying.

He didn’t.

But that was because he wasn’t there.

The neighbor across the street said that he’d died of liver poisoning a few years ago. She hadn’t liked him. No one had. She said that his last years he was even worse, just a terribly angry and lonely man. He’d never stopped drinking.

My heart has slowed since freaking out with the cat and tin can outside. As I enter the room, I hear that Mimi is still showering and most likely still fuming at me. I’d been a monosyllable. I’m such an idiot. By the time we got to Virginia, she was boiling, simmering with frustration at me. She was jabbing away at her phone, and when I mentioned stopping, relief washed out all over her face. Finally, freedom from my cabin fever induced roadtrip.

Some romantic trip Sophie had planned for us…

I knock on the door, and Mimi doesn’t answer. I get the message.

I head back to the bed and set an alarm for early the next morning, all I want to do is sleep. I’ll just rest my eyes until Mimi gets out. Then I can apologize and—

But I don’t even finish the thought.

I’m asleep.



I jolt awake and immediately jerk my body. My wrists snap with pain and my eyes flash open, and I look around the room. My heart lurches into my mouth, and I freak the fuck out. Where’s Mimi? The Van? Are the men here?

But it’s none of that. Mimi is standing over me grinning. She’s just locked my hands to the bed.

“I understand that today was a tiring day for you. And the one before.” She walks around me, trailing a little finger along my body. It runs down my t-shirt and then my jeans. She gets to the end of the bed and takes my boots off. Then she starts running her finger back up the other side. “And since our first night together, the urge has only gotten stronger between us. Even if you’ve been naughty since.”

I’m still slightly on edge, and my brain doesn't know what to think.Am I being attacked or turned on here?But soon my dick kicks in, and he knows what's up. In a manner of speaking.

Mimi grins; she’s still wearing her bathrobe from her shower. How long have I been asleep?

“What’s up, Mimi?” I ask.

She just grins, though. Sasy says nothing and comes closer to me. Traces her hands up my forearms and tightens the handcuff a little more. I feel it dig ever so slightly into my flesh. “Well, you felt like such a tease to me, so I’m going to tease you back.”

My cock immediately jumps around in my pants, and Mimi grins. She drags my shirt up my stomach and chest, exposing my body and muscles. She leans down and bites gently on my abs. Then a bit harder. My dick bounces like a pogo stick.

Then she kisses me and moves south. She grabs the buckle of my jeans and opens it up. She opens the pants and slides them down to my feet. She’s left me just in my underwear.

“So this is payback for me not talking?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “This is payback for you not listening.” She grabs the ties of her robe and pulls, but keeps it still closed. She trails her hand across my muscles again; I expect her to lean down and bite me again, but she gives me a smack on my stomach. My abs harden reflexively, and I tense. Her eyes grow with lust. She smacks again, and I become tense again. My body surges with blood, and my muscles grow. Just the same as my bulge is trying to break free of my underpants.

She slides her hands down my stomach and feels the shape of my bulge over my underpants. She grabs them in bunched fists and yanks them down now, freeing my cock, which springs up. She begins stroking it slowly. “You can’t come until I say Sebastian. You need to learn to listen.”

“Well, sometimes it ain’t anything to do with control‚—”