“Just a little one.” She pinches her finger and thumb together. “Just a little bit of meddling to force you two to spend some time together.”

I look at her like she’s insane. “But my brother lives with Sebastian! He’s probably going to come out now and see me. He’s probably—”

“He was meant to be driving this van up with Sebastian,” Sophie admits; her grin is purely diabolical. “He and Sebastian were meant to be making this delivery. But once I figured out you two had been in the pantry. And I knew that Luca had already planned to have Sebastian make this trip anyway, I just did a bit of my work.” She waves her hand like a wand.

“You’re evil,” I mutter. My face is burning, and now I can see Sebastian jogging over to us. His face is one of confusion and curiosity.

Sophie grins from ear to ear, however, and rolls the window down. Sebastian is about to say something when Sophie cuts him off.

“Morning!” she calls. “Change of plans!”

Sebastian’s eyes don’t even go to her, he just looks at me. The two of us stare like frozen animals on safari as the predator, that is Sophie, plays with us.

Realizing what is happening, he begins to back away.

“Not so fast!” Sophie says, hopping from the van and coming around to him. She gives him the keys. “You’re driving with her.”

Sebastian looks at me, the normally cool and calculated man is wide eyed and speechless. Then he smiles and snorts. “I’m driving the van with Carlos. You’re playing a joke.”

Sophie pats his arm and smiles back. “No, I’m not. You’re driving with Mimi.”

“Why?” he utters.

“I think we’re all adults enough to know why.” She folds her arms and cocks her hips to the side.I told you so.

His face drains of color as he looks at me. I shake my head fiercely.I never told.Sophie is walking away, and he follows her around to the driver’s side. She’s retrieving her handbag, which I clutch and hold onto.

“But Carlos and I are driving. This is for him to gain trust from Luca,” he looks like he’s pleading.

I don’t take any offense. Had you asked me a week ago if I’d spend three days in a small, confined space with the man I was crushing on, I wouldn’t even hesitate in replying to you. But now? Now with all the awkwardness and thetalk,the sexual tension between us is about as hot as an ice cube. I can think of nothing worse, especially after how I stormed out.

“Luca is going to trust Carlos, don’t worry,” Sophie says, patting his arm. "But as far as he, Carlos, knows, you’re accompanyingusup while he has another more important errand to run".

Sebastian is speechless, grasping at straws while he tries for an excuse. Finally, he accepts his fate and shuts his mouth. His lips twist. “Fine,” he utters.

But I haven't given up. I’m still clutching the handbag. “You can’t leave without this!” I implore.

“Yes, I can. That’s just gas and motel money for you,” she says with a grin.

I open it and huff. “Damn.”

Sophie grins between us two. She looks like a motherwhois indeed happy with herself. “I’ve got a good feeling about this.”

Sebastian and I look at one another. I can see his muscles showing even through his shirt, and all I feel is stupid. His eyes linger on me for a bit and then turn back to Sophie. “But what is happening with Carlos?”

“Don’t worry. I’ve set everything up with Luca. Plus, as far as the insurance company knows, it’s still Martinez driving the van.”

Sebastian grunts and then rolls his shoulders. “So still the same drop off then?”

“Still the same for everything. Except for her,” she points at me.

I poke my tongue out at Sophie, and she just laughs.

“So what’re you going to do then?” I ask. “How are you getting home?”

As if summoned by bad luck, a car comes around the corner. It’s one of the men. He pulls up to a stop beside us and waves. Neither Sebastian nor I wave back, but Sophie does. She’s absolutely pleased with herself. She goes to the car and opens the door. “Be on the road quick though, if Carlos sees you together, my plan fails.”

“Maybe we'll let him see us?” I say.