Page 57 of Wolf's Witch

I sat on the edge of the bed. “About?”

She sighed, rolling on her side toward me. “I was so caught up in the moment earlier…we didn’t use any protection.”

Oh shit. I ran a hand down my face. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I should’ve…”

“I didn’t think about it, either.” She rubbed my back. “I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

“At least you’re not bitten, so I shouldn’t be able to get you pregnant anyway.” But I knew we were both thinking the same thing: the banished witch had gotten pregnant without being bitten.

Ruby turned on her back, staring up at the ceiling. “Do you think we just destroyed everything? Is history repeating itself? Will we be shunned just like they were? Maybe Fate just wanted to remind everyone that werewolves and witches don’t mix.”

Fate.I took Ruby’s hand. “No.” She met my eyes, and I struggled for the right words. “Fate is the difference. You’re my mate. Even if you do get pregnant, it’s not the same as it was for them. You’re the other half of my soul.” I lifted her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back. “This is all meant to be. I think to save the pack from being hunted for body parts and the coven from being overpowered by dark magic, maybe we need to bring them together. Maybe that’s why Fate chose you for me.”

She searched my eyes as her hold on my hand tightened. “You could be right.” She shook her head slowly. “But I’m not sure anyone else would believe us.”

“Let’s get through the ceremonies, and we’ll worry about the rest later.” I cupped her face. “No matter what happens, you’re my priority, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”

She turned her head and pressed a kiss to my palm. “We’ll figure this out.”

I nodded. “Yeah. We will.” I lowered my hand. “I better get back to the farm.”

She arched a brow. “You just said you weren’t going anywhere.”

“I know.” I chuffed and met her eyes. “But I can’t keep lying to my pack. They ask where I’ve been and I have to lie. Once I’m Alpha, we’ll tell everyone you’re my mate.”

She sighed, nodding her head slowly. “I know that’s probably the right thing to do, but I still don’t want you to go.”

“I don’twantto leave. Trust me, there’s nothing in the world I want more right now than to be naked in that bed with you.” I pulled my hair back from my forehead. “I’m kicking myself for ever accepting Mathias’s offer to move into the farmhouse.”

Her lips quivered as if she might smile. “I didn’t realize you lived there.”

“My brother and I were roommates, and after he died, Mathias invited me to live at the farm. I already managed the place so it seemed to simplify everything. Plus, he’s getting older, and we all want to protect him. Wes and Wyatt moved in, too, on the other side of the house.”

She ran her hand up my back. “What about your parents?”

“My mom has a place down near the Waterfront District off Derby Street.” I rubbed at the pang in my chest. “My dad never recovered from losing Zack.” I stared at the ceiling. Saying the words out loud sucked. “He drank himself to death.”

The bed squeaked behind me, and the warmth of her body against my back made me want to melt into her. She wrapped her arms around me from behind and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

I covered her hand with mine. “It was a few years ago.” I craned my neck to see her face. “My mom is going to love you, by the way.”

Ruby smiled, and my damned heart stuttered. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

I patted my pocket for my keys and remembered the howlite wolf. “Oh. I brought you something.” I pulled it out and handed it to her.

My stomach tied in knots as I second-guessed my choice to give her the trinket. Would she like it? I leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Give this to the high priestess for me?”

She turned it over in her hand and smiled at me. “I love it.”


She blinked, looking almost confused.

I frowned. “Is something wrong?”

Her grin widened. “No. In fact…” She looked at the wolf. “I think this is a good omen.”

“The wolf?”