Page 25 of Sinner's Bond

“That sounds romantic,” I muse. Maybe it’s the second glass of wine. But I can picture it clearly. Mateo tending the rudder of a canal boat while we calmly drift down a narrow waterway. Some European or 1800s backdrop scrolling by.

“Much better than cars,” he says.

Mateo and I decide to get dessert, neither of us in a hurry to leave. The sun has fully set, but it’s still pleasantly warm. I’m really enjoying my time with Mateo, sipping espresso and competing for the last bite of hazelnut cannoli.

He offers to pay but I insist on splitting it, especially since I asked him for this dinner.

“How are you getting home?” Mateo asks as we stand up from the table.

“Walking. I’m only a block away.”

“I’ll walk you,” Mateo says. This might be a stupid thing to do. Letting him know where I live. Maybe I feel a little reckless after what is now starting to feel very much like a date after all.

We cross the road and walk down South Camac St. It’s more of a pedestrian alley between the brick buildings than an actual street. It’s dimly lit by old streetlamps, not nearly as bright as Locust Street.

My mind flashes back to walking through Sinners with Mateo last week, the night we met. I move a little closer to Mateo’s side and reach down for his hand, the same way I did that night. His hand welcomes mine. I like the feeling of our fingers intertwined. Which leads me to remembering other parts of our bodies wrapped around each other last week.

We walk casually, enjoying the warm night. We pass a building with a unique blue and green tile mosaic across its side and pause for a moment to look at it a little closer. Neither of us says anything, but it’s not awkward. We seem to have found our way back to that place where who we are away from each other doesn’t matter. For the present.

The alley opens up to a busy street right across from my apartment.

“That’s my building.” I point to the tall, modern building.

“You live on Walnut Street?” Mateo says sounding surprised.

“Yeah, why?”

“I live on Walnut Street too,” he says. “By Rittenhouse Square.”

“Ha, crazy,” I say.

I hesitate for just a second, still holding Mateo’s hand, but turned to face him. I feel like there was some reason in the back of my mind that I shouldn’t do this. But what the hell, Mateo and I have already hooked up once before.

“Do you want to come up?” I ask.

Mateo looks into my eyes, a grin playing on his face. I know he’s going to say ‘yes.’ I know he’s teasing me. But still, my heart is racing.

“Alright,” he finally says and nods for me to lead the way.

Mateo and I jog across the middle of the street, still holding hands. Getting into my building is a blur. My mind is swimming. As we wait for the elevator, all I can do is grin back at Mateo. I can feel the energy sparking between us, the same way I did looking out over the balcony at the club.

The elevator seems to take longer than it ever has in the three years I’ve lived in this building. Finally, the door opens. We get in in, and I hit the button for the 11thfloor.

Before the elevator door even closes, Mateo and I are drawn into each other’s arms, kissing deeply. He pulls me in so tightly to kiss him that he lifts my feet off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist.

The elevator dings, and the door begins to slide open. Mateo walks out into the hallway without putting me down.

“Which way?” He asks, pulling back from our kiss just enough to speak.

“To the right,” I say.

Mateo carries me through the corridor, my legs still wrapped around him. I alternate giving him directions to my apartment and kissing his neck. When we get there, I have to make him let me down so I can get the keys out of my pocket.

I quickly open the door, throw the keys onto my dining table and turn back to Mateo, sliding my hands around his waist underneath his jacket. Our lips crash into each other again and I pull him with me as I walk backward through the apartment to my bedroom.

Mateo picks me up again when we get there just so he can throw me down onto the bed. I look up at him, marveling for a moment. The city outside my window casts a dim light over the man looking down at me, highlighting the sharp edges of his jaw and cheekbones. He leans down over me with one hand on either side of my body and kisses me again, slowly lowering his whole weight onto me. The extra effort it takes me to breathe under the pressure of his body kicks up my adrenaline one more notch and I wrap my legs around him once more so I can feel his cock pressing right into me through our clothes. We both gasp at the same time, and it almost feels like I’m about to cum even though we’ve barely gotten started.

The only reason I don’t is because he rolls off of me onto his side, to prop himself up on one arm. For a moment we just look at each other and I can’t tell what he’s thinking. Then he starts to very slowly unbutton my shirt, tracing the curve of my breasts as he goes. As intimate as we got last time, this is the first time he’s touched or seen them. It sends my arousal into overdrive. Every inch of my body feels like it’s on fire. He leans down to kiss my collarbone, sliding one strap off my shoulder, then the other. It feels so incredible that I arch my chest up to press into his mouth harder and he slides a hand behind me to release the clasp. Mateo lays me back down and somehow manages to get my shirt and bra all the way off while still exploring my body with his mouth.