Page 41 of Cruel Bargain


Hunter being a murderer doesn’t bother me so much. He’s never harmed the Keep, and I don’t get the impression he would.

What does bother me is what I’ve done to Britney’s father.

Seeing him on that goddamn couch, drunk, trying to save himself at the expense of Maisy, put me in another place mentally.

Killing him would have been a mercy. Instead, I flayed the skin from his fingers, his toes, and his precious cock. I can still hear his screams, and I fucking love it. I love that I tortured the man that hurt Britney.

I’d do it again in a heartbeat if that tells you anything about my mental state, which is why I’m so fucking bothered.

“Alistair!” Maisy enthuses when I find her and Britney in the cafeteria, pillaging for food.

Most of the Kept have food enough for dinner in their apartments, but eat lunch together to stave off loneliness.

“How do you like the Keep?”

“It’s big! Like really big! And there are bathrooms! And showers! Cows, chickens, and even a wolf!”

She’s about four inches shorter than Britney, with the same cornflower blue eyes.

“Maybe we can check out a larger apartment later on today?” I offer. “One with an extra bedroom and a larger dining area. That is if Maisy is staying with us.”

Maisy’s brow pinches in confusion. “Are you living together?”

All at once, I realize the awkward situation I’ve put Britney in.

“I’m sorry—”

“No, it’s okay,” Britney smiles sunshine down at Maisy. “Alistair and I live together. He’s like…my boyfriend.”

My heart races in my chest like a damn schoolboy.

“No way…” Maisy’s eyes shift over to me. “He’s like…super old.”

“He’s twenty-eight!” Fiona snaps, offended. “Not ancient.”


“He’s a really good man, and he takes care of me.”

So good, I tortured your father for damn near an hour…

“Can we go upstairs again?” Maisy begs. “To the playground?”

“If you promise not to call me old again.”

She giggles.

We take the elevator up and watch Maisy as she plays.

“She wasn’t always like this.” Britney’s voice sounds forlorn.

“Like what?”

“Since she saw our mother die, she hasn’t been the same. She acts…young. Like she did when she was six.”

“Oh…” I can’t say I hadn’t noticed it, but I didn’t realize it was an issue.