Page 40 of Cruel Bargain

And then it hits me.

“You don’t think he’s the one killing people, do you?”


Hunter’s a little rough around the edges, but there’s no way. No fucking way…

“Why, though? Who were his victims?”

“I don’t have the information on his case, just the charges,” Atticus says. “It’s possibly somewhere in the computer, but there are some places even I have trouble getting to.”

I pause to process the information, more than a little shocked by Hunter’s past. “Maybe he took out the trash,” I finally say, because I honestly don’t believe he’s a serial killer.

“This isn’t a fucking joke, numb nut,” Cole snaps.

“Well, what the fuck do you want from me?”

“You were the last person to spend time with him. Did you notice anything off?”

I think back to when we rescued Maisy. To the talk I’d had with him.

“He seemed like a good dude.”

“Did he say anything that indicated he might have butchered Salem Street?”

“Noooo….” And then it hits me. “Ah, fuck…”

What d’ya gonna do to him?he'd said in such a taunting way.

I took the bait.

“What is it?” Cole leans toward me, eager to hear what I’m about to say.

“It’s just that he, ah, may have encouraged me to take the matter of Britney’s father into my own hands.”

“And what matter is that?”

“You see, I kind of somewhat tortured him.”

“Oh…” Cole looks at me, mouth agape. “I could see Blake and Gage doing that, but I didn’t figure you’d have the stomach for it.”

“Well, he did sell Britney to a brothel.”

Atticus nods. “Asshole got what he deserved.”

“It’s not like any of us are innocent,” I reason. “We’ve all killed people out there on the streets. Gage used to brag about taking down honeytraps.”

“Yeah, but a planned massacre is different from killing a rival on the streets. Honeytraps kill and take. Those women were innocent.”

“How many were found dead, exactly?”

“A dozen, but we’ve found a few more butchered around the city.”

“And you really think that was Hunter?”

“That’s what I aim to find out.”

* * *