Page 57 of Vicious Bargain

“They took my blood and skin samples,” I say, which is actually the truth. “But it never occurred to me until now why they may have done so. I’m sure that if you gave them Seth, Christine, and Georgia, they’ll not only let you go, but they’ll reward you. Heck, they might even give you a place with them.”

I’ve never prayed as hard as I do at this moment, hoping that my boy gets a chance at a decent life. One that’s simply not possible with Gunther.

“They’re getting closer,” Ralph warns.

Gunther points his gun at Ralph. “Then get out there!”

Ralph’s mouth drops. “Get out there? Aren’t we going to haggle?”

“I’m going to haggle.” Gunther points his gun at Ralph. “You’re going to thin the herd.”

“So that’s how it is,” Ralph sneers.

“Get your ass out there before I splatter your brains.” Gunther cocks the hammer of the gun back.

Ralph opens the door and peeks his head out. Less than a second later, it’s blown clean off.

“Holy shit!” I gasp, clutching Seth as I scramble to the corner of the room.

Gunther lunges for me, takes a fist full of my hair, and yanks me to a stand. He holds me in front of him, and I realize he means to use me as a shield.

I drop Seth and point toward the corner. “Get over there, baby,” I say through tears. But he’s confused. All he knows is that his momma, who he’s desperately missed, is right there, and he clings to me.


Bullets fly back and forth down the hall. Soon, they’ll be on us.

I push Seth away. “Get to the corner—right now!”

Seth’s face pinches with a mixture of anger and sadness that breaks my heart. That our last moments together should be of me yelling is a grave injustice, but the world has turned vicious, and soft hearts breed death.

He tries to lunge for me one last time, and I yell, “Get away,” bringing my foot up to knock him to the side.

“Mommy’s mean!” he screams and rushes for the door.

“No!” I try like hell to break free, but Gunther’s grip tightens, and I have to watch my son storm into the bullet riddled hallway.

My whole world implodes, shattering into a thousand small fragments.

“Seth!” I scream, my throat raw.

But just as he enters the war zone, a dark flash sprints across, engulfing him.

I struggle to see what’s happening. Where he’s at.

But it’s silly of me to cling to hope. There’s no way he could have survived what’s going on outside.

Enraged, I fight against Gunther, digging my nails into his arm, stomping on his feet.

“Look, you little bitch—”

I jolt my head back wildly, connecting with his face as I dig my fingers into his cheeks.

“You fucking whore!” he grabs me by the neck, choking me. But I don’t care. If Seth is gone from this world, I’ll gladly follow him.

I tear, claw, kick as his grip tightens, but just as the world turns hazy, a clap of thunder slaps, and I drop to the ground.

Air fills my lungs.