Page 44 of Vicious Bargain

“Gunther has nearly a hundred men!”

“And I have weapons, Legion, and a chopper.”

“Just let me go, Cole.”


I pin her to the ground and seal my mouth around hers, sucking the breath from her lungs as I take her into my soul.

I’d lied. I told her I was going to claim her, so she’d let her guard down. The truth is, I didn’t deserve her then, and I deserve her even less now.

But I can’t get enough of her.

Her arms wrap around me, followed by her legs. She claws at me, needy and desperate. But the space between us is too great.

I pull away, but she pushes forward, pressing herself against me.

“What the hell is it you want, girl?” I say through clenched teeth.

“So many things I can’t have. My son. My family back. To go to college.”

“How old is your boy?”

“He’s three. I know…I fucked up, I was young. But I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”

“Nor should you.”

“You don’t think I’m young and dumb?”

“You’re plenty young, but everything you’ve done since I’ve met you has shown me that you’re smart as a whip with the heart of a lion. Your boy’s lucky to have you.”

“Thanks,” she says weakly.

“Now, I’m going to take you back, and we’re going to figure this out. Okay?”

“I’m scared.”

“I know, but I need you to believe me when I say that I’m making it my mission to bring your boy back to the Keep, to be with his momma.”

“And with you?”

I shake my head. “No, baby girl.”

She snorts. “Didn’t sign on to be a stepdad, did you?”

“That’s not it. In fact, I raised a whole other kid that was never mine. The mother thought she pulled a fast one on me, but I knew.”


“Amber, I’ll make you this promise.” I take my hunting knife from my belt and slice down my hand.

“Oh my God, what are you doing?”

I make a fist and let the blood fall to the earth. “I swear to whatever god is left in this world, if anyone tries to harm you or your son, and I mean anyone, the vicious savagery I rain down upon them will be legendary.”

She nods, her breath calming. She trusts me to take care of her.

“Now let’s get you back to camp, and we’ll figure out what to do.”