Page 13 of Vicious Bargain

The Reavers must have something he wants, something I can’t give them, so he means to trade her. Or maybe he’s looking to make an alliance with them, and that girl could open communication and gain their trust.

I don’t like that thought, because while I believe in second chances, the Reavers have committed atrocities I cannot abide. Taking little Jayne, using her against her mother, beating Selina—all inexcusable offenses.

And for some reason, Amber won’t give them up. She keeps their secrets, despite her body being covered in bruises when we took her in. Maybe they're her family. Her real family, from before the world went to hell.

I need to figure out what her angle is before I agree to the trade, and one thing’s for certain—she can’t find out about the deal on the table.

Against better judgment, I get out of bed and pull on a fresh shirt and pants.

We’ll see how much Amber likes playing games when I’m through with her.



Formulating a plan to seduce Cole has the unintended side effect of making me think about sex.


The guilt is overwhelming. Thinking about carnal pleasure when I should be planning how to get back to my son is gross. But as the hours tick by, I realize that perhaps the only way to get around it is to go through it. To give myself the relief I so crave so I can get my head straight.

Lying back on the hard cot, I pull the blanket up to my chin. Not that the other prisoner is watching. Even if he knew what I was doing, he wouldn’t budge.

I know the mechanics of how it all works. I’ve just never been too ambitious. Losing my virginity to my childhood friend was a ‘Juno’ situation. We fucked around, I got knocked up, and we put the baby up for adoption.

But the person who adopted my son wasn’t a stranger. It was my aunt.

Being so close made it impossible to keep away, and with my aunt’s blessing, I stayed Seth’s mom.

I had a plan. I was going to make something of myself, so Seth didn’t have to go without. I swore off boys, studied hard, and would have gone to college had the zombie apocalypse stayed a science fiction story and not become reality.

Somehow, I kept Seth safe, but the rest of my family perished. When I’m being honest with myself, I admit Gunther was a godsend. We would have died without him.

But what he did to me was reprehensible.

Something tells me Cole’s people aren’t like that. While I know little about my captors, I’ve figured out that Blake met Selina over the radio when she was in a bind, and when the Reavers came for them, Blake’s people showed up in a big way.

The Reavers thought they were such a big deal with their drones and guns. Well, Cole’s people had helicopters.

Gunther didn’t stand a chance.

The door opens, and I shoot straight up in bed, startled, because no one ever comes in at this hour.

It’s Cole.

Perhaps fate is intervening in some way. Helping me reunite with my son. While that may sound like wishful thinking, we’re literally in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Corpses are rising from the dead, so don’t tell me fate can’t be a thing.

He walks slowly towards my cell, his face stoic and unreadable. He reminds me of the men that starred in war movies. Brave souls that vowed to take whatever hill they were pointed towards. Only he’s not an actor. He’s the real deal.

He lays his hand flat on the scanner to my cell, and the door slides open.

My body tenses, knowing what comes next. He left with unfinished business, that business being his cock. Why he hadn’t just raped me earlier is a mystery. It’s possible he had places to be, and he was just showing me a precursor of what was to come. Or maybe this was his way of making me afraid, building my fear.

It worked.

But I’m not afraid of his body nearly as much as I am of my own.

He drags the stool from the desk I take my meals at and pulls it alongside the bed, taking a seat.