Page 54 of Vicious Bargain

The Keep was supposed to be a haven from the outside world, meant to keep us safe.

And it would have, except we broke our own rules.

Negotiating with Russ was a mistake. I see that now. And yet, if I had to do it all over again, I would.

Because any risk is worth reuniting Amber with her son.

Along with Russ and his men, I take Gage, Dane, Blake, Gabriel, and Trent on the mission, flying in under the cover of night. Luckily, the chopper is fitted with noise reduction rotors, giving us the invisibility we need to take them by surprise. I can only hope they value what’s theirs enough to take the terms we offer.

I hit the ground first and immediately seek cover so I can ready my gear. The others drop immediately after, and when the last pair of boots hit the ground, Gabriel flies the chopper a safe distance away to await further instruction.

I don my night vision goggles as the men gather.

“What if they don’t do perimeter checks?” Gage whispers.

I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t, but savage people are often stupid. “Then we’ll have to blow the door to draw them out. We’ll put a small enough charge so the tunnel doesn’t cave.”

He nods and we begin our slow advance, moving from tree to tree with stealth born out of years of training, but as we’re about to rush the expanse between the trees and the shaft, the door opens and a stream of men pour out.

Before you can blink, our weapons are up, trained on our foe, but instead of coming towards us, they veer to the left.

“What are they saying?” I whisper to Blake, who’s wielding the sound amplifier.

“They’re planning an ambush. Not at the farm, but on the road leading to Legion’s other location.”

“The fuck they are,” Russ growls.

“Radio and tell them to haul ass to the farm and fortify in the basement. They are to hold off on combat until we have our targets secure.” I bring my attention back to the entrance of the mine, waiting a full three minutes after the Reavers leave before continuing my advance.

While it’s probable that several of them have military training, it’s clear not many made it far. They’re sloppy, loud, and, if I had to guess, strongly lacking in intelligence.

Not a single person spots us as we cross over to the rock wall, and when I find out they left the door unlocked, I can’t help but be suspicious.

“Could be a trap,” Dane says.

“I’m willing to bet they’re just stupid,” Russ replies.

I don’t like being careless, but every moment I hesitate is a chance for Gunther to further enact his cruelty on Amber, which I cannot abide.

“We’re going in. If you see a man with a weapon, take a kill shot. If it’s a woman, shoot but preserve life.” I bring my gun up. “On three, Gage opens the door and we move in.”

We get into position.


Gage opens the door and I charge in with my men at my back.

“Did you forget something?” a voice calls. A man turns to look at us. “Oh, shi—”


The man drops.

Ahead, there’s a steep tunnel leading into the earth, to the left, a miner’s cage.

“Forward,” I say because the last thing we need is to get stuck in the shaft.

Doors line the tunnel, and one by one, we begin opening them, finding nothing in the first four except old tools.