Page 5 of Vicious Bargain

“That all changes if you let me put a baby in you.”

At his words, my blood runs cold. I squint my eyes closed so the swaying of the room doesn’t dizzy me.

“Get out of here.”

“Show me you ain’t stupid—”

“I said get out!” I slash my hand at him, raking my nails down his face.

“Mother fucker!” he cries, cradling his cheek.

“Don’t you ever think of coming down here again, because if you do, what little prick of a cock you have will be next on the chopping block.”

“Easy, psycho!” he spits back.

“Now get the fuck out of here, because I don’t ever wanna see you again!”

He doesn’t argue, and once again, I’m left alone, save for the other prisoner, who might as well count as no one.

My boy is gone. I’ll never see him again. I’ll never know whether he lived or died. What they did to him. I’ll never know if he found love or had children. One day, I could be a grandma, and I’ll never know.

Because everything that’s ever mattered to me is too far out of my reach.



Ishouldn’t be alive.

How many times have I been at the cusp of death?

Only to get pulled away at the last second.

Denied my peace.

My final rest.

Russ:You still coming out?

Cole:I’m waiting on some intel to come in.

Russ:You know I wouldn’t ask unless I was desperate.

The receiver rests cold in my palm, feeling heavier than it ought to. Like another fucking weight on my shoulders.

We were supposed to make a trip out a week ago, but when a few Vultures went missing, I decided to hold off in case we were needed here.

Cole:You sure you wanna tell me that? Some cards are best kept close to the vest.

Russ:As I said, I’m desperate. We were fine before we got to the farm, but we spread ourselves too thin. It’s cost us.

Cole:Why would I risk my men?

Russ:Because you need to think long and hard about who you wanna share this planet with.

I see his point, but with the Keep, we don’t have to interact with anyone. Let the world go to shit. We’ll still be here.

But I’m not about to tell him that.