Page 4 of Vicious Bargain

The door opens and in steps Dane, the worst of my jailers.

“Wake up!” he growls at the other prisoner.

It’s no surprise his demand goes ignored.

Dane slides the man’s tray under the bars, then walks over to my cell, a cocksure grin spread across his pompous face.

“Come on, sweetheart. You’re not going to make me beg, are you?”

I shrug. “Maybe I will.”

“You know I could make your life worlds easier if you’d let me,” he says in a voice barely above a whisper. “You’d eat better, sleep on a real bed, have access to books, movies, games—you name it.”

And because I enjoy torturing these men, I get up and begin shedding my clothes.

That’s right—I strip buck freaking naked in the middle of my cell.

I understand why this might seem like a confusing strategy for torture, but I find the method effective because with their lack of women comes a shortage of pussy.

I use their desire to my advantage, taunting them with what I know they want so badly.

But for whatever reason, they never do more than watch, even though I’d be powerless to stop them.

At first, they saw my display of nudity as a treat, thanking me and showering me with compliments.

But with my naked flesh came frustration, turning their appreciation to rage.

Most have given up coming down altogether, because they know it’s pointless and they’d rather not be reminded of things they can’t have.

Dane’s not one to give up.

He approaches, sets the tray down, and grabs two bars, placing his face between them.

“If I were you, sweetheart, I’d align myself with someone who can protect you real quick, because you never know when the decision will be made for you.”

“Is that a threat?” I ask, tossing my top on the floor and turning to present my rear.

“Consider it a warning.”

I slide my sweatpants down over my thighs as I sway my hips slowly from side to side. Trying to look seductive while stepping out of them is hardly easy, but I manage not to trip and fall, which I count as a win.

“Let me make that sexy body of yours sing,” Dane pleads.

No, thank you!

I reach behind and undo my bra, sliding the straps down my shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.

“No one will touch you with me by your side.”

I spin around, letting him get a good look at what he’s missing out on.

“I don’t need your protection.” I bend, pulling down my panties and stepping out of them so he can see me in all my glory.

His expression makes my skin crawl, but I stand proud, inflicting what damage I can at the beast of a man standing before me.

Dane’s expression darkens. “Shit’s about to go down. You’ll need an ally.”

“No matter what happens here, it’ll always stay the same for me. The women want to kill me. The men want to fuck me. No one wants to let me free.”